Climbing insurance

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 peat 15 May 2024

Has anybody actually claimed with snow card, sports cover direct or BMC? 

 JimmyClimber24 07 Jun 2024
In reply to peat:

I haven't yet claimed but if you are looking for sports insurance cover for climbing then I can recommend Sports FS to you they deal with cover for a variety of sports including walking/climbing

 ebdon 07 Jun 2024
In reply to JimmyClimber24:

I think FS only deal with life insurance not travel insurance (they arranged a policy for me).

To the OP I have claimed with BMC, and they were fine, but it was ages ago. 

 Babika 20 Jun 2024
In reply to peat:

This thread seems to crop up very regularly.

Yes I've claimed (2019) with BMC. Involved helicopters, hospital, medical, flight rearranged etc. 

All good. Very stress free and easy to claim. 

Which is kind of what you want in the circumstances. 

 greg_may_ 20 Jun 2024
In reply to peat:

Similar with BMC, multiple linked flights back from Africa. 

Dogtag $hitshow. Avoid. 


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