Parking situation Ogwen valley for Tryfan hike

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 elliot.baker 21 May 2024

Please could someone let me know what the parking situation is in Ogwen valley at the moment? Planning on doing Tryfan / Bristly ridge scramble on Saturday morning. Aiming to be parked up by about 5:15am (and gone before 10am if all goes to plan!) 

Can you still park in the lay-bys? Is there likely to be a space at that kind of time?

Many thanks

 slawrence1001 21 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

Was there a couple weeks back and there was plenty of lay-by parking for Cwm Idwal and Cwm Blochwyld

In reply to elliot.baker:

Last time I was there on a bank holiday the valley was a campsite. You might find one or two spaces not taken by vans but I wouldn't leave it too late. Situation pictured was at 07:30

OP elliot.baker 21 May 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Ok, looks like I should be ok if I get there around 5-5:15am ish then 👍

Some lucky soul who has a nice lie in can have my place when I'm back and gone mid-morning. 😂

 Alkis 21 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

There should be plenty of parking at the layby parking by Tryfan Fach at 5AM. Later on, much less so.

 Offwidth 21 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

Pretty much always parking on the A5 near the campsite approach. You can also scramble up Tryfan Fach (easy grade III) on the way up to add extra interest from that end.

 Andrew Lodge 21 May 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Which is why 1.9 metre height barriers need to be fitted to all the parking areas. If people want to camp they should go to a campsite.

(Gets tin hat)

 Alkis 21 May 2024
In reply to Andrew Lodge:

> Which is why 1.9 metre height barriers need to be fitted to all the parking areas. If people want to camp they should go to a campsite.

Yay, my van fits under that!

Edit: Just to clarify, I do in fact stay at campsites.

Post edited at 14:59
 stubbed 21 May 2024
In reply to Andrew Lodge:

I kind of agree but then many years ago when I slept in my mate's van in that layby we had a magic couple of days, so it's a shame that now there are too many vans to enjoy it properly (we were the only van on that night)

 C Rettiw 21 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

If you can't get parked for some reason, it's possible to park at Gwern Gof Isaf campsite for a small fee. Lots of people this weekend parked on the pavement off-road where there are double yellows (which is technically illegal, despite what many people think... I was surprised too!) and we saw lots of yellow parking ticket notices as we walked back in the early evening.

As for the marked layby on the lake, it had a party atmosphere with many people sat out on campchairs next to their vans eating their dinner or swimming in Llyn Ogwen. Which is probably why all the bushes on the southern bank of Llyn Ogwen are full of shit.

Enjoy the ridges - they're great. There are ways to extend the fun, e.g. Milestone gully (G2) or Wrinkled Tower (G3), Y Gribin and Cnefion Arete, etc., etc.

 Mark Eddy 21 May 2024
In reply to stubbed:

Tragedy of the commons comes to mind. It's same here in the Lakes, vans everywhere and not the stealth vans keeping a low profile, more like the gazebo and deck chair brigade lighting their 'wild fires', 'wild poos' and 'wild littering'  

OP elliot.baker 21 May 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

I've never done a grade 2 scramble before but was contemplating them the other day. I've done Crib Goch and Tryfan North Ridge many times, in good and bad weather, but never tried any grade 2 scramble.

I should probably start another thread on it but - what's the difference? Is it harder moves? More exposure? More dangerous? I've not been scrambling for a while so think for now I will stick with the ones I know well and perhaps come back another time and try some grade 2's. I saw there is a grade 2 by Idwal Slabs called Idwal Staircase and I thought those slabs look pretty epic but not quite in the mindset to jump into something new and challenging at the moment. Edit: I just checked and it's grade 3 not 2 so definitely a step up for me! (pun intended!)

Post edited at 15:25
 C Rettiw 21 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

The difference is theoretically a mix of more difficult moves (quantitively and qualitatively), more consequential positions, a more committing line and more physical and intimidating overall. However, there are different "genres" of scramble, and some may find a grade 2 gully easier than an exposed grade 1 ridge because the latter feels so consequential, or a grade 3 slab easier than a slippery grade 2 gill, because the latter is more insecure.

Being cautious is never a bad thing, but I think Milestone Gully, for example, is not really harder than some of the optional difficulties on the North Ridge... With the possible exception being when it is wet. It's just a lot less optional! You have to either go up or down - you can't avoid bits.

Anyway, your original itinerary sounded great. Hope you have fun

 alasdair19 21 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

You'll be fine that early, though just for clarification the campsite directly below Tryfan no longer offers paid parking. 

Beware parking opposite on the half verges beyond the double yellow. About 10 cars got towed away on the bank holiday as technically they were a obstructing the highway....

In reply to Alkis:

> There should be plenty of parking at the layby parking by Tryfan Fach at 5AM. Later on, much less so.

Kinda the other way round on bank holidays; everywhere is full of people overnighting. If you look all but one of the cars in my photos are steamed up.
Would expect the long layby you suggest should have a space or two though.

 Alkis 21 May 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Yeah, the long one is less popular for overnighters, that’s why I suggested that one. It’s quite exposed to passing traffic which doesn’t make it one of the more pleasant options to sleep in.

In reply to elliot.baker:

Whatever you do, don't park anywhere with double-yellows, either side of them. At best you'll get a ticket, at worst your car will be towed.

 Andypeak 22 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

When I was in Ogwen a couple of weekends ago every single spot was taken by 7.30 except one space in the pay and display carpark which had only been left because it was a bit of a pain to get into. 90% of the people in the lay-bys had clearly been there overnight. We had a big day and in the evening on the drive out we counted well over 30 tickets and that would have just been a tiny fraction as most of the cars had gone. 

In conclusion you might not get into the lay-bys but I would imagine you'd get a spot in the pay and display as that doesn't allow overnight parking and it's not that expensive. 

 Rory Shaw 22 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

I'm not sure it's useful for you given your early start but there are busses from Capel and Bethesda. 1 an hour I think

OP elliot.baker 26 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

Update on this one - alarm set for 5am, packed up tent in the nice sunrise at Gwern Gof Uchaf, parked right in front of the gate in the lay-by by tryfan. Loads of space. Only a couple of spaces in the lakeside camper van campsite though 🤣 

I get what people are saying about the number of camper vans it was a straight up campsite that lay-by was, but it did look absolutely lovely so live and let live I guess 🌞 

When I got back down at 8:30 there were no spaces anywhere and some very happy/lucky person took my space as I left. 

 EarlyBird 26 May 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

That used to be the case. In my experience, not anymore.

 kaiser 26 May 2024
In reply to EarlyBird:

Empty today!  Perhaps the lightning has put some people off?

 Babika 26 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

I never thought I'd say this, but after getting probably the last space in the Ogwen Valley at 8.15am Saturday I think the time has come for all bays to go pay and display to stop vehicles/motor homes parking all weekend for free to the detriment of the many day visitors, not all of whom can get there so early. 

When I came back at 4.30pm lots of cars had parking tickets which I guess spoilt many family or casual visitors day. 

Any parking fees could go towards a much better, cheaper or more regular bus service along the Ogwen Valley. Or maybe create a park and ride? 

The problem of numbers def isn't going away. It's going to get worse so something has to change.

In reply to Babika:

There already is a park and ride. 

Any parking solution needs to leave the option to have a long day. Time limits often ruin that. 

My plan would be pop up speakers in the laybys that play Never gonna give you up loudly from 23:00 to 04:00.

 Myfyr Tomos 27 May 2024
 Lrunner 27 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

As local the bus or bike is the only way to travel on a bamk holiday. I'm luck to live on the s2 route so the pass is easy but owgen is a bit harder meaning i have to hange i bangor. It's a shame that there isn't just a single bus going up the pass and down the ogwen. 

In  any case the volume of camper vans has ruined ogwen for me If I go up to those hills I'll run from Ellida Fawr and hitch or bus it home. 

 Lankyman 27 May 2024
In reply to Myfyr Tomos:

'I saw one as big as a marquee!' I love how in Wales people express their outrage in such evocative, poetic language. In the Lakes it would just be as big as a bus.

 Fat Bumbly 2.0 28 May 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

It had its awning out.

 bowls 28 May 2024
In reply to elliot.baker:

Why don't the towing companies tow the camper vans at 2am (with the occupants in them) to an inconvenient location and a ransom fee of a their choice.  That would soon stamp it out...

Post edited at 17:25

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