Special Areas of Conservation

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 girlymonkey 22 May 2024

I am on Skye at the moment with some clients and the weather wasn't conducive to what we planned to do. So I took them to the Coral Beaches and Dun Fiadhairt broch. 

The walk Highlands description of this walk to the Broch suggested a wander to the southern edge of the outcrop to see seals. This seemed like a no brainer with clients so off we went. 

We stayed on the higher ground, and we weren't even particularly close to the edge. We spotted a couple of seals bobbing around and watched them with binoculars for a while. 

Then a noisy motor boat came into the area with a couple of families and, I assume, someone from the estate driving the boat. He started shouting at us, telling us we had no right to be there as it was a SSSI etc and we were stopping the seals from pulling out onto the rocks. 

I didn't leave, I just pointed to where the seals were and shrugged as I was pretty sure we were absolutely entitled to be there and I certainly wasn't going to try to hold any kind of conversation from that distance. He said he was going to call the police, which I also just shrugged about. 

I looked it up when I got back, the area is a Special Area of Conservation. The map for the area clearly shows the water and tidal areas to be covered by this and not the land. 

Am I correct in saying that he was talking out of his backside about us not being allowed there? He was certainly doing more to disturb the seals than we were!! 

This is the link to the SAC site for it

 DaveHK 22 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

I don't think there is any conservation related land designation that automatically restricts access.

So either they don't understand the designations themselves of they were trying to use them as an excuse for limiting access.

Post edited at 16:22
 Tringa 22 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

I don't know the law. I can understand a potential restriction in some place so as not to disturb wildlife but it would be very difficult to suggest that a party sitting observing the seals is a greater cause of disturbance than someone in a motor boat.

Given the number of SSSI's and SAOCs in Scotland( ) if there was some sort of general restrictions you'd hardly be able to walk anywhere.

I had a look around and found this -

I haven't read it all but I think it could be used by some who want to restrict access to their land. However, it includes - 

" Any visitor management measures must be kept to the minimum area and minimum duration required to safeguard wildlife from disturbance or habitats from damage"


OP girlymonkey 22 May 2024
In reply to Tringa:

Thank you both. I was pretty certain that I was right, but just felt the need to have some other sources before complaining to the company running the boat. 

OP girlymonkey 23 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

I found an old sea kayak thread from 2008 with people complaining about a shouty guy in a boat from Dunvegan castle threatening to call the police and intimidating them. Much worse though as he came right up against their kayaks. 

So either the same a***hole has been working there a long time or the culture is toxic! I suspect my complaint email will make no difference (many were sent back then too). 

This might just become a regular place to take clients and raise this man's blood pressure regularly 😀 There is no way he will leave a boat full of clients to come up and intimidate us up close, so it could be a fun game just to bait him regularly.

Too childish? Maybe. But fun.....also maybe!

 DaveHK 23 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

> Too childish? Maybe. But fun.....also maybe!

It's good to challenge this sort of shit. In fact, I see it as a bit of a duty, not least because lots of people will just believe what guys like that say. It's bully tactics, nothing more.

OP girlymonkey 23 May 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

If it is the same guy from 2008, I suspect my challenging him will make no real difference. Doesn't mean I won't do it, but I'd say he's unlikely to change!

 DaveHK 23 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

Let us know how it goes!

I've actually had very similar interactions in other places. "This is a bird reserve, you shouldn't be here" that sort of thing. On that occasion he backed down when he realised I was wise to his nonsense.

 Tringa 23 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

It might be worth informing the local police yourself citing intimidating behaviour which could be put off visitors. Could also be interesting to know if the bloke really did inform the police or was he, as I suspect, a windbag.


 kinley2 23 May 2024
In reply to girlymonkey:

I had cause to look up access/camping and SSSI a number of years ago - SSSI status had no impact on access rights.

Find it useful to know the facts in case of confrontation with shouty GoMLs....although it usually ends up as a F.O. denouement regardless!

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