Multipitch Trad partner North Wales

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 Eddiewako 19 Jun 2024

Looking for a partner this weekend, not the most experienced trad climber but super super keen.

Have led up comfortably to VD so wanting to jump on something around that grade for more mileage (left edge @ carnedd y filiast??)

Only have the beginnings of a rack, but can provide my own transport along with unlimited levels of pysche!


 C Rettiw 19 Jun 2024
In reply to Eddiewako:

I've not done it, but Left Edge is meant to be bold for the grade, with tricky, ill-defined belays. You will probably be better off on Milestone Buttress, the Idwal Slabs or Tryfan... Just a thought! Good luck finding a partner

 d_b 20 Jun 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

I can confirm that left edge is technically easy but run out for vdiff. 

Belays are spaced out and tight.  If you see potential for one you should stop and you need to be on your game when it comes to rope management.

Excellent route to take beginners up but probably not the best choice for inexperienced leaders.

Edit: Also, Jay Route (the one to the left) may also be vdiff on paper but it is not the same.  It is significantly more serious.

Post edited at 11:46

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