Himalayan Trek

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 kevino47 20 Jun 2024

I've just got an Indian Visa and am planning to do a Himalayan trek (one of the popular Nepalese treks, ideally) and have mid-September in mind. I've never been to India or the Himalayas before, so the whole thing would be a new experience.

I understand that a guide has to be hired now for the big treks, so I thought, if there were 2 people, it might be possible to share a guide as well as the companionship.  I'm retired (M) and do mountain walking in the UK and consider myself fit enough, so If anyone is thinking of something similar and doesn't mind an 'older' partner, please contact me .

Thanks, Kevin

Post edited at 17:53
 halo 22 Jun 2024
In reply to kevino47:

Hello Kevin

A great choice for a trek, they're many and one of the popular ones I actually did in 2010. Was around the Annapurna Circuit we left Kathmandu by mini-bus to Pokhara, from there we navigated through to Ghandruk from Nayapul, it is advisable to go with a group, as you will need to acclimatise. You can ascend to Annapurna Base Camp, if you want. But it will take time. On the way back Pokhara, we stayed in a suitable hotel accommodation had a wonderful evening meal, then next day to Chitwan National Park. 

Here is a link for the organisation who arranged everything for me and the superb multi-national group, I had the pleasure of enjoying their company.

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