Cams, Friends, Camelots?

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 thelostjockey 20 Jun 2024

Just after some advice, please. I'm just getting started with climbing with a club. I am thinking of getting a set of cams. What is the difference between cams, camelots, friends? Is one type better? That is what I would be interested to know. With thanks.

 LucaC 20 Jun 2024
In reply to thelostjockey:

Basically, they're all good. There are a few slightly different features to each one, but essentially they all do the same thing and are all up to the task. Your club or other climbers may well have some rack: why don't you see if you can try some first.

 mrjonathanr 20 Jun 2024
In reply to thelostjockey:

These devices work by a camming action of the lobes in the event of a fall, so are generically referred to as cams.

Friends and Camalots are brand names of ranges made by Wild Country and Black Diamond. Lots of other companies make great cams too eg DMM.

Beyond that - what LucaC said.


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