LAKES/SNOWDONIA this wed/Thurs

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 samkat 23 Jun 2024

What with the nice weather forecasted this coming week, am considering heading to the mountains wed Thurs or Thurs Friday to get some mountain routes done.. Thinking Lakes primarily but also potentially Snowdonia.  Not able to commit for sure yet as depends on how I get on with some jobs, will know by Tuesday but very tempted and very possible. Any interest?

Keen on multi pitch mountain routes. 

 beardy mike 24 Jun 2024
In reply to samkat:

Hi, I'm interested. I'm staying in Snowdonia whilst trying to collect VSs for my logbook and I'll be free on Thursday and Friday. Can't go too wild with the walk ins as I'll still need to be on form on Saturday but anything reasonable I'll be up for. Staying at most likely Cwm Glas Mawr so can help with a bunk if you like.

 mikekeswick 24 Jun 2024
In reply to samkat:

Hi, I could definitely do the Lakes, do you have any routes in mind? 

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