Sheffield based - need some help with manual work

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 Daniel80 24 Jun 2024

Hi All 

I'm Sheffield based and coming to the end of house renovations. Looking for someone to help with some manual work - clearing up, bit of digging, etc. 

Drop me a message here if you're interested / for further info.. 



 ArlieH 25 Jun 2024
In reply to Daniel80:

I’m looking for some cash in hand work over the next few weeks and have a lot of week days free. Leeds based so not too far away. 

 CharlieGreen 25 Jun 2024
In reply to Daniel80:

Hello Daniel, 

I am based in Sheffield and looking for some casual work since finishing university, I have prior experience with manual work. Would be happy to give you a hand. Let me know if you still need someone. My mobile number is 07944618572. 

All the best, 


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