Stuck cam on Windgather

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 Groundhog 27 Jun 2024

Yesterday (Wednesday) at Windgather I spotted a cam left on Aged Crack. I had a good go at removing it but failed. It is too big for the crack and is rammed all the way to the back. The triggers are well inside the crack and difficult to reach. It needs to be removed but will require a bit of effort to get it out without damaging the rock. I'm not sure of the make but the triggers are metal and of a shape the makes them difficult to pull with any sort of tool.

Not sure why the climber who placed it didn't use a wire in the obvious spot just above it.

Anyone skilled at this sort of task? Sooner or later someone may try to force it out and damage the rock.  

 SimonCRMC 27 Jun 2024
In reply to Groundhog:

Not sure whether you can tag people on here, but Professor Outdoors climbs regularly at Windgather and has great expertise in removing stuck gear.  I shall message my learned friend.

Post edited at 16:03
OP Groundhog 28 Jun 2024
In reply to SimonCRMC:

Thanks. I'll pop up next week to see if the Prof, or anyone else, has managed to free it.

 gooberman-hill 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Groundhog:

Given that it is a Severe, it is quite possibly a beginner. A classic beginner mistake is to put frineds in too tight and too deep

 SimonCRMC 28 Jun 2024
In reply to gooberman-hill:

And therefore particularly common at Windgather given the number of lower grade routes.  On a recent visit my friend the Professor liberated both a shiny wire and a shiny cam whose owners had misplaced them and were unable to remove them.  Tbf I also got a wire jammed somehow (albeit the right size and in the right placement) but thankfully we got that out too!

 crayefish 28 Jun 2024
In reply to gooberman-hill:

> A classic beginner mistake is to put frineds in too tight and too deep

Suit you sir.

 Michael Hood 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Groundhog:

Just done Aged Crack, no sign of any stuck cam 

OP Groundhog 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

That was quick! Job done then.

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