Skye with non climbers

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 PaulW 28 Jun 2024

So after far too many years I get to go back to Skye. Camping with non climbing family members near Edinbane.

Any suggestions for an easy scrambling day out?  I'm thinking very easy grade 1, Crib Goch standard perhaps. A half day loop would be great.

I tried working something out but there are so many options

 Mark Bull 28 Jun 2024
In reply to PaulW:

A few ideas: 

Sgurr Thuilm - up SE ridge and down W ridge. Rocky walking / easy scrambling. 

Garbh-bheinn and Belig from Loch Ainort. Rough walking with some optional easy scrambling. 

Bruach na Frithe NW ridge (has Grade 1/2 scrambling with hardest sections avoidable). Down via Fionn Choire. 

Sgurr na Banachdich S ridge (Grade 1 if you skirt round the second wee top). Up Coire na Banachdich, down Coire an Eich. 

(Crib Goch is hard Grade 1 in my opinion!) 

OP PaulW 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Mark Bull:

Thanks for the suggestions, will plan something depending on what weather we get

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