Shop in Cornwall to pick up a guidebook?

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 Gawyllie 28 Jun 2024

Off on a climbing trip to Cornwall tomorrow at short notice and require a guidebook. I've phoned a couple of outdoor and book shops to see if they have a guidebook in stock but no luck. anyone know of a shop down that way that stocks one?

We are staying pretty close to Penzance so there would be ideal but can also drive a bit further if need be.

I was thinking Rockfax West Country but open to ideas/recommendations.


 Tom Last 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Gawyllie:

Barn Climbing Wall in Milton Abbott or The Tide Climbing Wall near Wadebridge will likely both have the Rockfax. You'll pass nearish both as you come along the A30. 

 PaulJepson 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Gawyllie:

If you're driving through Bristol, Dicks Climbing sell guides. 

OP Gawyllie 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Gawyllie:

Thanks for the replies

 Asher Collins 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Gawyllie:

Give the edge of the world bookshop a call. They're in PZ and often have one in stock or order them in overnight. 

 Dunthemall 30 Jun 2024

Trevaylor Caravan & Camping Park used to stock climbing gear and guidebooks, give them a ring

 Mark Kemball 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Gawyllie:

As Tom says, The Barn at Milton Abbott, they're about 10 minutes drive off the A30, they also do excellent coffee...

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