Black Canyon of the Gunnison guidebook

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 Martin Bagshaw 04 Jul 2024

I'm hoping to get to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison this October, but as far as I can tell, the latest (2016) guidebook doesn't appear to be something you can order to the UK.

I was wondering if anyone might have a copy they would be willing to sell, or even loan?

 Tony Buckley 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Martin Bagshaw:

Have you tried calling Stanfords and seeing if they can get hold of it?  It might be easier for a business like theirs to do it than for you as an individual.

Impressive place.  I was there last September, just for a day touring rather than climbing.  The Painted Wall area looks terrific.


In reply to Martin Bagshaw:

We just used mountain project. 

In reply to Tony Buckley:

Worth a punt I guess, thanks.

 dominic o 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Martin Bagshaw:

I've got a copy you could borrow (too nostalgic to sell) but I actually found some great online topos which I found more useful. Depending what routes you have in mind I can share pdfs (and some beta). We did the following - all excellent, with Scenic Cruise making it into my all-time top 10! 

Scenic Cruise (5.10d)

Comic Relief (5.10b)

Maiden Voyage (5.9) and Leisure Climb (5.9)

Can't understand why so few Brits have been - The Black is a stupendous place! PM for more info. Cheers, Dom

* edit - wrong scenic cruise! 

Post edited at 21:42
 Gary Gibson 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Martin Bagshaw:Just pop into the climbing shop in Boulder and buy one or have mine 

In reply to dominic o:

Thanks. I came across your blog post for the Cruise a little while ago, great source of inspiration for all sorts of adventurous stuff that blog. Will send a PM.

In reply to Gary Gibson:

Thanks, will message

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