Bouldering - Le Bourg D’Oisans?

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 afx22 06 Jul 2024

I have a couple of days road cycling planned in the Alps in a couple of months time.  

We’re planning to stay in Le Bourg D’Oisans.  Is there there anywhere nearby that I might accidentally do some some easy bouldering?  I may or may not have room for a pad but there’s always room for a pair of shoes.

 Ben Farley 06 Jul 2024
In reply to afx22:

Most of the bouldering I know of in those valleys is quite hard, however I found this looking at the logbooks. But it doesn't sound especially inspiring. Its roadside to a busy road, not exactly alpine valley bouldering

OP afx22 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Ben Farley:

That’s perfect, thanks.

 Enty 08 Jul 2024
In reply to afx22:

15km down the road from Bourg d'Oisans towards Grenoble there's a village called Rioupéroux. There's loads of roadside boulders in the village . I've never climbed there but you can see many chalked up problems as you drive past.


OP afx22 08 Jul 2024
In reply to Enty:

Thank you so much.  That’s really helpful.

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