Skye, July 19-21, new route belayer

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 Rick Graham 17 Jul 2024


Up on Skye without a climbing partner.

Last year I spotted an unclimbed arete which just said, climb me.

Thinking there must be a catch, like a stopper section, last week, I abseiled down, cleared off a few small blocks and scratched out some runner placements. Ready to go. No brushing required, naturally clean gabbro. O

From the rope thought it might even  be HVS but 3 stars. Its a bit morpho, things often harder on the sharp end so might be E2.

So looks crap tomorrow but Friday to Sunday look possible, its quick drying and less than 2 hours to walk in the guide.

Just want a safe belay, one go then you can have it if you want. Got all gear in van, just bring a harness.

Email me on here .

OP Rick Graham 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Well, at least the weather forecast was correct.

Its down atm.

Supposed to clear this afternoon

 mikekeswick 20 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Shame this wasn't last week....I was there in a similar situation! I hope you find someone.

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