Trip Insurance for someone working abroad on contract

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 Slarti B 24 Jul 2024

My daughter, who normally lives in UK, is working in Africa for an aid agency on a 1 year contract.  She wants to do a 5 day trip to climb Mount Kenya going up to 5,200m, but is having problems finding insurance.  BMC will only cover people resident in the UK, she has called them but they are not able to be flexible.   

Can anyone suggest alternative insurer who can provide mountaineering cover for someone normally resident in UK but working and resident abroad for a fixed term? 


 MG 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B:

I don't know but the Austrian Alpine club's cover is probably worth checking.

OP Slarti B 24 Jul 2024
In reply to MG:

Thanks she has AAC cover but, looking at the small print the amount for both rescue and medical costs is not really sufficient for Mount Kenya. 

 wbo2 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B: if she gets a big injury where are you expecting any long term medical care to take place? This doesn't help you find an insurer, but at least you'll have an understanding of why it's tricky/expensive to arrange

 Frank R. 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B:

> Thanks she has AAC cover but, looking at the small print the amount for both rescue and medical costs is not really sufficient for Mount Kenya. 

You can buy premium coverage from AAC for increased medical cover (and over 6000m cover), though I am not really sure it would apply to her situation:

Post edited at 11:02
OP Slarti B 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Frank R.:

Thanks, I will look at that.

 Toerag 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B:

who do South African climbers use?

 apache 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B:

Try Ripcord or Global Rescue. They only do rescue (global), evacuation and medical, no travel insurance. Haven’t had to claim. The mixed travel insurance with Axa and high altitude evacuation insurance with Ripcord was acceptable to the operator of a recent commercial trip I went on.

 mcawle 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B:

Does she definitely need separate insurance? I imagine the agency she’s working for must have fairly comprehensive cover for her, does it definitely exclude activities she undertakes whilst abroad for them when not working?

OP Slarti B 26 Jul 2024
In reply to mcawle:

You ae correct that the agency provide cover when she is in her work country but not for this type of trip

 jimtitt 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Slarti B:

Global Rescue/Horizons Unlimited.

OP Slarti B 26 Jul 2024
In reply to jimtitt:

Many thanks for all the suggestions.  She is following up on them. 

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