Gear left behind at Quarry 3, Leigh Woods, Bristol

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 Dave Ing 24 Jul 2024

I left a quickdraw and an improvised alpine draw at  Leigh Woods Quarry 3 this evening, on the shared anchors for Another Day in the Office (6a+) / Bell Curve Beauty (6b) / See the Bigger Picture (6a). I was intending to climb another of those routes but it got dark, people had to go and in the moment, I forgot them. I can't get there until Saturday morning to get them back. 

If you find them and want to see them safely home, there's a couple of beers in it for you. But I'll understand if they end up as crag booty.

OP Dave Ing 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Dave Ing:

Managed to get there and retrieve them today. 

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