Found - Lots of climbing gear abandoned in Clapham

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 Charlieq7076 25 Jul 2024

Hi All

I have just found a load of climbing gear abandoned on the streets of Clapham. 

It appears that someone's car or house was broken into and 2 bags were stolen and on inspection abandoned on the street.

There are a load of duplicate items so i am assuming it was a climbing instructors car /house. 

If this is your gear, let me know what items you believe to have been stolen and we can arrange getting the gear back to its rightful owner. 

Please spread the word around climbing gyms if you read this.



 spannaclimbs 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076:

There was this person putting a call out in some Facebook groups.

OP Charlieq7076 25 Jul 2024
In reply to spannaclimbs:

Thanks for sharing, unfortunately this isn't related. 

What i've found is multiple sets of the same things, likely what an independent instructor might drive around with in their car.

The search continues....

 mike123 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076: having had similar happen to a good friend sone years ago , what about being a bit more specific but omit something crucial , for example found  :10 climbing  ( guess !) helmets and related gear . If it was helmets there are a number of non climbing instructors who would use them , could be ghyl scrambling  for example . There are about5 outfits around Keswick alone  that do it each with sets gear . Caving instructor ? Fairly small world I’d guess and so easy to put the word out . 

OP Charlieq7076 26 Jul 2024
In reply to mike123:

Well seeing as I’m not getting much luck tracking down owner I’ll be more specific as you suggest. 

It was a number of harnesses very small female or kids size. A number of pairs of climbing shoes and some chalk bags. 

Not sure if this will help but hope it does 

 e.ms355 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076:

Could you try posting in here

And maybe..

Hopefully can be returned to the owner

 e.ms355 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076:

I just realised you might have meant Clapham, London in which case ignore my suggestion! 

OP Charlieq7076 26 Jul 2024
In reply to e.ms355:

Yes Clapham London, but climbers tend to travel so please spread the word to any of your clubs/communities. 

 Ridge 26 Jul 2024
In reply to e.ms355:

> I just realised you might have meant Clapham, London in which case ignore my suggestion! 

Must admit I was thinking Clapham north-west of Settle!

OP Charlieq7076 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Ridge:

Sorry my ignorance. 
SW4 Clapham 

 mike123 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076: I would be thinking cubs , scouts , primary schools 

 mike123 27 Jul 2024
In reply to mike123: Are there any crazy climb facilities nearby ? Where is the nearest wall with top ropes ?  Come on ukc liven up .

 leon 1 27 Jul 2024

  Substation Brixton just down the road from Clapham might be a good option to contact ?

Post edited at 10:07
 Ridge 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076:

> Sorry my ignorance. 

> SW4 Clapham 

Not ignorance, just that there's a fair bit of climbing/caving in close proximity to the other Clapham 😀

 Gerry 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076:

It may seem obvious, but have you contacted the police?

If it was stolen then I would hope the owner reported it. If it was stolen then it may be or may contain useful evidence in a prosecution  (OK, I've been watching too many TV detective shows). If just lost then they may have some good advice on best way to get in touch with the owner, and it will help prove you did your best if nobody claims it and you have to dispose of it in some way. 

 Dave Hewitt 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Charlieq7076:

> I have just found a load of climbing gear abandoned on the streets of Clapham. 

I never thought it would happen

 John Ww 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Dave Hewitt:

Out on the windy common? I feel there's something missing. 🤔

 Dave Hewitt 27 Jul 2024
In reply to John Ww:

> Out on the windy common? I feel there's something missing. 🤔

Apologies for semi-derailing Charlie's thread. I'd beg for some forgiveness, but begging's not my business.

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