guidebook for Round of Coire Lagan?

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 philesra 26 Jul 2024

The Round of Coire Lagan sounds brilliant. Is it described in detail in any guidebook? (I can't find a table of contents online for the SMC or Cicerone Skye guides.)

I do have Bailey's Scotland's Mountain Ridges (and Latter's volume 2).


In reply to philesra:

There’s a very detailed description in Tom Prentice’s “The Cuillin & Other Skye Mountains”, p. 147-51. Mica Publishing, 2019. It’s also in most of the older scrambling guides.

 atrendall 26 Jul 2024
In reply to philesra:

Yes, it's described in detail in the Cicerone guide book I wrote. 12 pages cover it and include map, photo typos and photos all linked to written description. 

Let me know if you want a copy and I can get one in the post. Enjoy the route, it's amazing.

OP philesra 26 Jul 2024
In reply to atrendall:

Ah, perfect, thanks! How would you prefer I buy it?

 atrendall 26 Jul 2024
In reply to philesra:

Will message you.

OP philesra 28 Jul 2024
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

Thanks a lot, Gordon, I appreciate it!

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