Found :: climbing shoes @ Darlton Quarry

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 charley 26 Jul 2024

Found some new-ish looking shoes at Darlton this evening at the bottom of a route. 

 Martin Haworth 27 Jul 2024
In reply to charley: I think they are probably mine, Ive emailed you via ukc.

5-10 anastazi blanco’s, size 42, at Shady wall.

Thank you very much for posting.

OP charley 28 Jul 2024
In reply to Martin Haworth:

Hey Martin,

Think I had my old email address down, please can you try again. I'm heading to North Wales for the day tomorrow. I can drop them off at Outside in Hathersage or post them back to you on Tuesday.

 Martin Haworth 28 Jul 2024
In reply to charley: If you can drop them off at Outside in Hathersage that would be great, I should be able to pick them up later next week.

Thanks for doing this.

OP charley 01 Aug 2024
In reply to Martin Haworth:

Not sure if my email made it to you. I've dropped your shoes off at Outside (in the rockroom).

 Martin Haworth 01 Aug 2024
In reply to charley: Thank you Charley, I’ll collect them at the weekend. Appreciate you making the effort to get them back to me.

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