PODCAST: Factor Two - S1 Ep.1: Becoming the Master

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 UKC Articles 06 Nov 2017
Factor two Episode 1, 4 kbIn this new podcast series, Wil Treasure shares stories from the climbing world through interviews with both well-known and lesser-known characters. In-depth, personal accounts that aren't read from a page on a variety of themes. Settle down with a cuppa and have a listen...

Episode 1: James McHaffie and Jerry Moffatt talk about their differing experiences on Master's Wall, Clogwyn Du'r Arddu.

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 Steve Long 06 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles: Great recordings. Somebody needs to tell Jerry though that Cloggy is in Wales, not England!

 Wil Treasure 06 Nov 2017
In reply to Steve Long:

No wonder Caff thought he was off route...
In reply to UKC Articles:

Really enjoyed this - thanks Wil.
 lithos 06 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

sounds good but ....

is this a real podcast as in i can use my podcast app to listen to it ?

if so what is the subscription url as its not finding it
 galpinos 06 Nov 2017
In reply to lithos:

I just found it on my apple podcast app by searching "factor two", it was the first hit.
 lithos 06 Nov 2017
In reply to galpinos:
hmmm (i dont use itunes)
got a url for subscription ?

ta BTW
Post edited at 14:18
 Wil Treasure 06 Nov 2017
In reply to lithos:

What app do you use? It should be on all of the major ones (PodBean/Stitcher/TuneIn etc).
 galpinos 06 Nov 2017
In reply to lithos:

> hmmm (i dont use itunes)

> got a url for subscription ?

'Fraid not. It's all apple so not hint of any kind of access from other "systems". It's described as the new podcast from UKC though so I'm sure a UKC bod should be along to help out, unless it's apple only like the Rockfax app*..........

* a wooden spoon emoticon would be appropriate.

 lithos 06 Nov 2017
In reply to Wil Treasure:

gpodder - basic but without most of the crap they entail,
 Wil Treasure 06 Nov 2017
In reply to lithos:
That explains it

You should be able to subscribe by adding the rss directly:
Post edited at 14:44
 lithos 06 Nov 2017
In reply to Wil Treasure:

thanks , just what i was after, works a treat
 AP Melbourne 06 Nov 2017
In reply to Nick Brown - UKC:

> Really enjoyed this - thanks Wil.

I'll second that Nick, excellent. More please Wil, thanks.
 Michael Gordon 06 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

I thought this was going to be about mastering E1. A pleasant surprise!
 Wft 06 Nov 2017
In reply to Wil Treasure:

Fantastic Will, thank you for producing it, I look forward to hearing more.
 TobyA 06 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Jolly good. Look forward to the next one. Wil, do you work in Radio or something? It was very professional for a first one!
 C Rettiw 06 Nov 2017
In reply to TobyA:

I agree - some smooth tones there! It's been many years now, but I do remember that Wil has at least an MA in journalism, as my ex used to study with him Ta for the podcast, Wil - it was a good listen.
 Cusco 07 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

That was a really great podcast. A fantastic insight into an iconic wall in British climbing history that gave me sweaty palms. And from two legends of British climbing.

The E1 title also confused me until I realised.

That whole invincibility of late teens struck a chord with me although clearly in my case on far easier routes and without any brilliance to back it up. Memories of soloing some low E grade routes and high balls as a total punter at a time when I couldn't top rope them clean, shouldn't have gone anywhere near them and I felt I could just jump off anything and be OK.

It almost ended painfully on a crux at Ansteys 25ft off the deck with a full body Elvis and panic that I just managed to escape from.

I didn't solo again for 20 years until Bantham Hand a few years ago. That'll be my last time ever. An amazing experience but totally unjustifiable with my wife and then 6 year old son on Bigbury beach over the water. I am no longer 18-22.
 Wil Treasure 07 Nov 2017
In reply to Cusco:

Jerry's perspective is more or less the same, we talked about his day at Stoney too - totally unjustifiable to him now, but at the time just something he was compelled to do. I expect most climbers have a similar tale at their own level, at least if they started young.
 Wil Treasure 07 Nov 2017
In reply to TobyA:

As C Witter says... I trained as a Print Journalist and did a very small amount of training in radio/TV. I've not written much in the last few years though. Most of my experience of putting together things like this comes from making story tapes to send to my Gran! I'm also a bit of a geek for listening to American narrative shows (This American Life, The Moth, Love and Radio).
 lithos 07 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

listened to it, and enjoyed that, great stories well told.

super high production values, felt like listening to the BBC.

For me though i prefer podcasts a little bit rough and ready, like im having a chat with them or in the room and no background piano mood music

looking fwd to the next one.
 TobyA 07 Nov 2017
In reply to Wil Treasure:

> I'm also a bit of a geek for listening to American narrative shows (This American Life, The Moth, Love and Radio).

Radiolab, Serial, Revisionist History, S-Town, Invisibilia? I'll see your geek, and raise you early adopter podcast obsessive.

 Paul Figg 07 Nov 2017
In reply to UKC Articles:

Really good listen, encouraging to know that even the 'masters' get scared and out of their depth at times. Nice to hear about the mental aspect of climbing instead of the physical for a change.
 scoth 07 Nov 2017
In reply to lithos:

> For me though i prefer podcasts a little bit rough and ready, like im having a chat with them or in the room and no background piano mood music

Go along with this, but to a point. I've really enjoyed the enormocast and jamcrack, but sometimes I would like to hear more of the interviewee's.

The skillful editing ensured the voices of Caff and Jerry really came out and provided a very compelling listen.

Nice one Wil, look forward to the next.
 lithos 08 Nov 2017
In reply to scoth:

no argument on that, both Enormocast and Jam Crack can be somewhat interviewer heavy and i get a bit frustrated with Kalous's long winded questions, but you get to know him as part of the podcast and his character as part of that

this style is very different, and just as valid. They (Caff&Jerry) get the space - the feeling of space comes across in this via the editing and the quality of recording and it's nice to hear them string some coherent uninterrupted dialogue.
I did find the background music odd and a tad irritating, others might like it i guess but it feels a bit 'canned laughter'

as i said before i enjoyed it a lot and look fwd to many more

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