Mounting hangboard/fingerboard

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 timnoldy 05 Jan 2023

Hi there,

I am trying to mount my beastmaker, in my terraced house, above a doorway, in a spare bedroom. However, I'm finding difficulty in locating the wall studs. The doorway is located in the corner of the room and I can't find the studs where they would usually be placed (16in from doorframe, I believe?) Would there be a chance, that there are no studs in non-load bearing wall?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering if this is just a case of difference in building standards in the UK?


In reply to timnoldy:

I’ve just done this for my son in his new house. There will be studs in a non-load bearing wall, but it’s not unknown for there not to be any verticals above the door opening except for the door frame supports which would be around 30+ inches apart.

Two solutions. 

You’ll be mounting the beastmaker on board. Fit the board directly above the door frame architrave to take the main force, and secure with plasterboard fixings. Not ideal, but is usually ok.

Paul Crusher makes a series of fingerboard mounts which fit into the top of the doorframe and work well. If you search for Crusher holds fingerboard mount you’ll find his online shop

 Fraser 05 Jan 2023
In reply to timnoldy:

> Would there be a chance, that there are no studs in non-load bearing wall?

No, unless you have a really weird form of construction, there will definitely be studs of some sort, either timber or metal. How wide is the door opening? Is one jamb hard against the junction of the two walls forming the corner? What is the finished material of the wall (is it plasterboard?) and what makes you think it's not load-bearing?

 chockstone 06 Jan 2023
In reply to timnoldy:

If you have or can borrow a small strong magnet you should be able to find the studs this way. I've done it to locate joists in the ceiling and works well if a little time consuming. Good luck! 

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