Nutrition Calculator

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 alanblyth 04 Jul 2024


Does the hive-mind of UKC know of any (free?) (online?) nutrition planning tool - somewhere you could input a week of meals and see the total calories/carbs/fat etc. and potentially vitamins/minerals versus RDA's?

I'm sure such a tool must exist somewhere - but all my googling results in paywalls or pre-made nutrition plans that wouldn't help me, i'm specifically wanting to analyse a keto/meat-only diet based on what is available/affordable at my local supermarket...


 Adam Jaggard 04 Jul 2024
In reply to alanblyth:

Not a planner, but the phone app Cronometer is good for tracking food and giving a detailed breakdown of the day/week etc. Best used by filling it in each day, can’t remember if you can retrospectively fill it in.

 jezb1 04 Jul 2024
In reply to alanblyth:


 Jonathan Emett 05 Jul 2024
In reply to alanblyth:

Nutracheck also

OP alanblyth 05 Jul 2024
In reply to jezb1:


This wouldn't load/search food correctly before I created an account, now I have given it a deeper look it seems to do most of what I am looking for,

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