Ratho Connies

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 Robert Durran 06 Jul 2024

I've gazed down into the arena a few times and it's seemed pretty dank in there and have paid my money and been down a couple of times on what would seem like good cons and the starts were still a bit dampish.

What are the main combat indicators of good connies in the arena? Pissing down outside is usually what I go for on most climbing walls but if anyone has a magic formula for Ratho conditions I'd be interested.

Post edited at 11:55
 TheGeneralist 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

I guess it's mainly due to the people you go there with.  Do you find your companions dull, or do they enthrall you with their witty repartee? If the former then I guess you need to engage with some of the other people at the wall to see if they can improve things

OP Robert Durran 06 Jul 2024
In reply to TheGeneralist:

> I guess it's mainly due to the people you go there with.  Do you find your companions dull, or do they enthrall you with their witty repartee? 

What are the main combat indicators of witty repartee?

Post edited at 14:52
 Lankyman 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

> What are the main combat indicators of witty repartee?

If they use 'primo connies' or 'send' in a conversation then you know you're in with the wrong demographic and should leave as soon as possible. I am old and stale and my combat indicators are but a paid reflection of my youth.

 JLS 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

>”Ratho Connies”

12degC and 78% humidity are ideal for me. Check on the webcam that is focused on the environment monitor by the hangboards.

Word of warning, I was in today and there appears to have been extensive rock fall. Many of the boulders have been lost. Really sizeable blocks have just vanished!

 Fraser 06 Jul 2024
In reply to JLS:

> Many of the boulders have been lost. Really sizeable blocks have just vanished!

Point of order: they'd been left ("lost") overnight so had become legitimate swag. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll find some new ones in due course, just be patient.

 pencilled in 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

Mad props, dude!

 Matt Podd 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

Missing an L

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