Restricted Access

The current access situation at Craig y Forwyn has had a long and troubled past- it wasn't long ago that there was no access and climbing was totally banned. Now thanks to the efforts of Volunteers and Officers the situation has improved and the situation is better than its been for years. 

The Behaviour of climbers when visiting the crag is crucial to this situation continuing and improving. 

The ownership of the crag varies along its length and more information can be found below, however its safe to assume that climbing is tolerated and is NOT a right. If you climb here, please do so quietly and inconspicuously as possible.  

  •  CENTRAL SECTION- (Great Wall, etc.) From just West of Staircase Gully (at the route The Fox), where a smooth wire fence reaches the base of the crag, to Purple Haze. There are new owners and negotiations are underway. While some low level climbing activity appears to be ongoing without any objection, the landowners are very clear that they do not  formally give permisson for climbing here and any issues will put a stop to any long term solutions to allow climbing.  
  • RIGHT HAND SECTION (from Purple Haze eastwards towards Two-Tier Buttress, the occupiers of this section of the cliff has recently changed (in 2019) . The new occupiers of this section have told the BMC that they will not object to climbers on this section but again strictly no dogs, all litter to be removed and keep noise to a minimum.  Tthere is no permission to remove any vegetation and as the whole cliff is an SSSI it would be illegal to do without formal consent from NRW. 
  • LEFT HAND SECTION (starting from approx. 50 metres left of Staircase Gully, facing the crag to the extreme left side of the crag) -climbing permitted. Formal consent has been obtained to allow the removal of vegetation (ivy and invasive cotoneaster only) from rock-climbs on this section of crag only.
  • Note: The Natural Resources for Wales (NRW) has some concerns about tree clearance and vegetation clearance on and below the crag. The whole crag forms part of an SSSI and the BMC asks climbers not to clear vegetation or improve the path below the crag. Removal or damaging any vegetation without written authority from the NRW and the landowners could lead to criminal proceedings at this site. You should also be aware that sound carries in this valley, so please make every effort not disturb the peace of local residents, i.e. keep your voices down when belaying etc.
  • Do not park below the crag - access should only be form the agreed parking area above the crag. Follow access instructions in the current editon of North Wales Limestone guidebook (or see below)


42m. No description has been contributed for this climb.


James' 2015 Summer. , Best of Forwyn


User Date Notes
Ramon Marin 25 Jun, 2023 Show βeta
βeta: Went up the original line described in the guidebook, I thought it climbed well and it made sense to me. Finishing Route 66 is pretty direct.
Show beta
βeta: Went up the original line described in the guidebook, I thought it climbed well and it made sense to me. Finishing Route 66 is pretty direct.
Andy Moles 5 Jul, 2020 Show βeta
βeta: Seems like a much better way up the wall than escaping into Route 66 is to stay on this face, following a line near the left side (as for Forgive Us Our Trespasses) to cross the Sangfroid traverse, then up the easy flake of Katie's Delight onto the headwall and step right into the top of Sangfroid Direct.
Show beta
βeta: Seems like a much better way up the wall than escaping into Route 66 is to stay on this face, following a line near the left side (as for Forgive Us Our Trespasses) to cross the Sangfroid traverse, then up the easy flake of Katie's Delight onto the headwall and step right into the top of Sangfroid Direct.

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Guidebooks for Craig y Forwyn

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High E6
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High E5
Mid E5
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High E4
Mid E4
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Votes cast 4
High 6b
Mid 6b
Low 6b
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Mid 6a
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High 5c
Mid 5c
Low 5c
Votes cast 5
Votes cast 4
Style of Ascent
Flashed (β)
Not Set
Route of Interest
Quick Step Direct Finish

Grade: E5 6b ***
(Craig y Forwyn)

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