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Climbs 5
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 610m a.s.l
Faces W

Crag features

Natural gritstone crag, around 15m high, with some sections of good clean rock.  Beware that there are very few natural anchors available at the top of the crag.

Approach notes

Parking is available next to the B6259 about 1 km south of Outhgill.  There is a layby large enough for several vehicles where the "Pennine journey" bridleway crosses the road.  Follow the bridleway for around 1 km heading south-east then turn left to walk directly up the hill to the crag, which is the prominent gritstone edge at the edge of the plateau.

Restricted Access

The crag lies in an SSSI.  Natural England are happy for climbing to take place here provided that the following rules are respected:1) No gardening / vegetation removal.

2) Routes should be examined carefully for evidence of nesting birds before climbing.  Do not climb a route if there appear to be birds nesting nearby and retreat if nesting birds are inadvertently encountered.  Inform Natural England if Peregrine Falcons, Ring Ouzel or Merlin are encountered in the vicinity of the crag.  You can contact Natural England via the crag moderator on [email protected] - am happy to talk to Natural England on behalf of other climbers.

A voluntary agreement has been made that climbers should restrict their activities to the parts of this crag (and neighbouring High Loven scar) indicated in the linked photo:

Found 3 Very rusty stakes below one of the unclimbed?? aretes, they may have belonged to K.Lunt (c.1989). The Gritstone Club also had a visit back in 1962 but not much is known.
petegunn - 31/Aug/23
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