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Climbs 4
Rocktype Sandstone (hard)
Altitude 79m a.s.l
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There is currently a problem of Gardner’s waist being thrown down into the quarry which has piled up over the years and lead to much of the historic walls being covered and also some damage to the bricks at top. A lot of litter has been left too My hope is that with this being a functional crag for climbers such anti-social behavior can be prevented and passionate climbers can help to take care and clean up this beautiful location.


historic quarry just like pex but is currently being unmaintaned and filled with waist 

Approach notes

Entering from the Woolton hill road the quarry is over the stone wall to the right, the entrance to the quarry is near the stone walls corner and through the iron gate. This is the shortest way to the crag, however it isn't very good for parking. The best for cars; park on church road and follow the paths in the park north until reaching the sandstone wall. 

Unfortunately you must jump the stone wall at the minuet to access but I am hoping that access might be granted to climbers in the future if we help in the conservation of the area.


Restricted Access

Unfortunately you must jump the stone wall at the minuet to access but I am hoping that access might be granted to climbers in the future if we help in the conservation of the area.

unsure if the quarry is privet land or part of the park that it joins onto, if anyone can halp with access isseus to crags please contact 

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