Obvious wide crack left of Petersman. Retroed with first ascentionist permission. Classic jamming in the upper part but bottom section a bit grovelly. Take your pick at HVS or Fr5 +, your choice

Nick O'Neill, Roy Thomas 1999.


User Date Notes
freelunchprovider 17 May Show βeta
βeta: Retro bolted,just don't clip them if it's a problem
Show beta
βeta: Retro bolted,just don't clip them if it's a problem
freelunchprovider 16 May Show βeta
βeta: Route ready to do, trad or sport take your choice. Belay up and left
Show beta
βeta: Route ready to do, trad or sport take your choice. Belay up and left
freelunchprovider 26 Apr Show βeta
βeta: Wide crack,30 yrs neglect,overgrown with brambles would be good if cleaned.
Show beta
βeta: Wide crack,30 yrs neglect,overgrown with brambles would be good if cleaned.

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