45m, 2 pitches. Loosely follows the pitch 2 line of Feb (VS) just right of Waterfall Climb, with 3 well protected hard sections. Descriptions and drawings of the central ‘quarry’ are in the old Moorland Grit guide and on the BMC website.
1. 10m.There are various ways up to The Terrace; the obvious pitch 1 corner of Waterfall Climb being the least unattractive.
2. 35m. Climb the left of 2 undercut grooves, with a big heave-ho to reach an obvious foothold on the right. (may be harder now a crucial hook has deteriorated). Easier climbing to a tricky step up right and around the arête to a bulge split by a clean finger width crack. Surmount this with a burly move utilising a crucial mono point edge, to reach the leaning flake on Feb. Follow the crack up and right to gain an easy angled slab. Follow your nose up the finish of Waterfall Climb.
Descent. Head up and right across the top of the ‘quarry’ and descend to a vague path dropping steeply through the right hand edge of the central sector to a fence line and path.

Andy Stewart and Dave Palmer 23/Jan/2021.


Peak District Winter Climbs


User Date Notes
Andy Stewart2 23 Jan, 2021 Show βeta
βeta: Previously Climbed the top section of the route after traversing in from the right through thick vegetation and rotten rock. It needed a quality direct start, which it now has. Wires cams and hexes provide good protection. A good short freeze after wet conditions should enable this climb to be in nick.
Show beta
βeta: Previously Climbed the top section of the route after traversing in from the right through thick vegetation and rotten rock. It needed a quality direct start, which it now has. Wires cams and hexes provide good protection. A good short freeze after wet conditions should enable this climb to be in nick.

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