55m, 2 pitches.

Rockfax Description
Two further pitches above the climb Dune Mosse. Not often done and could do with re-equipping in places.
1) 7b+, 25m. Dune Mosse to the first lower-off.
2) 7a+, 25m. Climb up to and over the roof to the next belay.
3) 7a, 30m. Steep climbing and another overhang.
Descent - Abseil back down. © Rockfax

UKC Logbook Description
Athletic climbing
P1 - 25m 7a+
P2 - 30m 7a


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Guidebooks for Mount Pellegrino - Valdesi

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High 7c
Mid 7c
Low 7c
High 7b+
Mid 7b+
Low 7b+
High 7b
Mid 7b
Low 7b
Route of Interest

Grade: 7b+ ***
(Scogliera Di Salinella - South)

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