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Climbs 204
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 869m a.s.l
Faces S

Approach notes

From Roccamotrice, follow the sign for Block House. After about 4km turn right towards Eremo di Santo Spirito. Keep going for 1km and park your car near the fountain on the left.

Sector Giallon is located on the top of the street. The other section is about 200m after, on your left you will find a layby for a couple of cars. Take the path to reach sector Placche Grige. On the left side you find the sector Strapiombi and on the right side there are some others at 5-15 mins walk.

To go to La Pecorella Smarrita you have to walk 100m from the sector Giallon, where you'll find a guardrail with the route's name on it. To get to the crag, climb over it with a rappel (25m).

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