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ACESSS IS SENSITIVE. Avoid when there are fisherman around. Keep numbers low, no dogs, don't be noisy.

Rockfax Description
An even lower and harder sit-start from down left on undercuts, working right into the already desperate sit-start moves. © Rockfax

UKC Logbook Description
Start down and left of the original start, right hand on a good slot like undercut and left hand pinching another undercut to its left. From here roll over left hand and make your way into the original sit and finish up this.


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High f8A+
Mid f8A+
Low f8A+
High f8A
Mid f8A
Low f8A
High f7C+
Mid f7C+
Low f7C+
Votes cast 1
Votes cast 1
Style of Ascent
Flashed (β)
Route of Interest

Grade: f8A ***
(Stanage Plantation)

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