Restricted Access

There are restrictions on private car access from Covadonga to Lagos de Covadonga between 8.30 am and 9 pm during the following dates: Easter, May weekends and from 1st June to 16th October

and between 8.30 am and 7 pm during the following dates: last weekends of October and bank-holiday weekends in November and December. 

If you want to get to the trail head within those periods in your own car, you must either drive in before 8.30 am or show proof of booking/reservation at any of the mountain huts. Otherwise you will need to use public coach service or hire a taxi. 

200m. The original route used on the first ascent to the summit in 1891. Grieta Rubia makes reference to the visible yellow/orange colour of the rock along the gash that ascends the SE face of the mountain.
The start of the route is found about 50 metres on the East side below the Horcada de Santa María. Do not feel compelled to sticking to the deep corner/chimney of yellow/orange rock; it is a UIAA II+ scramble following the buttress to the right of the corner/chimney.
Descent is by downclimbing the same itinerary; therefore, it is advisable to pay attention during the ascent.

Aymar D´Arlot, Paul Labrouche, Blas Suero & Pedro Cos Oct/1891.


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