Diary: 29th June for '2RoyalAnglian'

 Outdoor climbing > Logbook
Branstree summit 713m
Parked up at Mardale Head at 4am, after driving since 12am. The weather wasn't the best to start off with, the cloud base was low, light rain and windy. but all in all, it was going to clear up later on in the day for the days next walk. 8AM, stepped off from the car, and made my way up to Gatesgarth Pass, passing a large Sheepfold en-route. It was easier than i thought it would be getting up to the summit of Branstree, though the tail wind probably helped. The cloud base was starting to thin out as i made my way over to the Pillar between Branstree and Selside Pike. From the summit of Selside Pike, I made my way down to the Old Coach Road. Some of the views en-route would have benefited if the cloud hadn't have low. On reaching the bridleway, I came across a small herd of Highland Cows and their calfs. Cautiously, i bypassed them and made my way along the Old Coach Road towards the road, passing the three derelict stone huts. Great views across Haweswater, with Rough Crag, High Street, Kidsty Pike and Mardale Ill Bell showing up nicely! From the road, it was a simple stroll back to the car park at he head of the valley, get some food on board, pack my kit for the wild camp next to Small Water on the next walk. Route was part of the Hiking the Wainwright series on youtube. Black Crag. Season 2, Episode 6.

Selside Pike summit 655m

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