Diary: 18th July for 'Dale Turrell'

 Outdoor climbing
activityBell Tor
1 hr 45 mins
Evening. On Isolated Block repeated Block Arete, Block Wall & Block Wall Right (all from sit first go). Onsighted Rock Around the Block and then did traversing the low break instead, both from sit. Repeated Block Slab. Onsighted Sneaky Pillar then repeated from sit first try after digging out left side pull, decent problem. Did what I believe to be the original intended line of Slab Eliminate (old Javu P9), left side of slab without using the crack to left. Tried Ding Dong. Very dirty, didn't have a wire brush so cleaned as best I could. Worked first section to turn first corner. Got past this bit then used top out boulder rather dropping down to break, bit scared of fall with no pads or spotter so topped out where break peters out. Went and got mats and spotters, worked out sequence to extend to end of boulder and the top out itself then did from start, much smoother than first try. Started with left hand quasi-jamming and right gaston top right edge of crack, left foot heel toe cam. Topped out with hands on better holds at end of boulder just before the corner. Did Beginners Slab first try with no hands for fun.
 Outdoor climbing > Logbook
Bell Tor - Rock Around the Block f4+ **
From sit. Also did this pointlessly traversing the low break instead moving up to the same finish.

Bell Tor - Ding Dong f6A **
Used the top of the boulder not the break. Would be weirdly eliminate otherwise as you use it before and after anyway. Was very dirty. Topped out just before the arete.

Bell Tor - Sneaky Pillar f4 *
Good problem. Also did from a contorted sit.

Bell Tor - Slab Eliminate f4 *
Left side of slab (just right of Left Crack) without using the crack to left.

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