Diary: 27th July for 'Dale Turrell'

 Outdoor climbing > Bouldering
activityThe Orgasmatron
2 hrs
Evening. Repeated Sleeper first time and repeated twice more for a video. Worked Zelig, got start ok (started from left hand low on arete and right on poor hold). Many tries standing up right after getting left foot on Arête with various poor holds. Eventually got a go where I could stand up using higher left hand and went to the top. Tried The Happy Carrot. Got the start quickly but top out was awkward and committing and took quite a few tries to figure out. Once sorted did from the start next go. Looked at the Sad Tomato but couldn't work out how to get off the ground. Brushed Luna for a future visit.
 Outdoor climbing > Logbook
The Orgasmatron - Zelig f6B **
Quite committing with the awkward landing!

The Orgasmatron - The Happy Carrot f6B *

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