Contributed by samwillo May/15 - This public ticklist has been seen 5,264 times

The best of Yorkshire limestone from the graded list of the 2005 Yorkshire Limestone Edition.

Marky getting into The Groove 8a+  © marky
Marky getting into The Groove 8a+
Kevin Avery, May 2009
© marky

56 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st accynez 78% 13 Sep, 2023
2nd Hidden 76% Apr, 2019
3rd marky 67% 22 May, 2021
4th Cassidy 51% 26 Sep, 2022
5th jfreeman 49% 9 Jul, 2022
6th Adam Lincoln 46% 6 Aug
7th thebigfriendlymoose 44% 20 Jul, 2019
8th Hidden 41% 2021
9th Hidden 36% 17 Sep, 2022
10th datoon 33% 25 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Paul Bennett going over the Rainbow, on - soon to be off - The Thumb

The Thumb
Paul Bennett going over the Rainbow, on - soon to be off - The Thumb
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Obsession: as if the holds weren't small enough there's the exposure to contend with too!

Obsession: as if the holds weren't small enough there's the exposure to contend with too!
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Timo wrestling with the tufa whilst trying the moves on Kleptomania

Timo wrestling with the tufa whilst trying the moves on Kleptomania
© JohnHartley

Concentrating hard on Supercool

Concentrating hard on Supercool
© Kevin Avery

Chris Cubbit on Supercool, Gordale

Chris Cubbit on Supercool, Gordale
© Aaron Tonks

High above the beck on the upper tier of Malham Cove - L'Ob Session 7c+

L'Ob Session
High above the beck on the upper tier of Malham Cove - L'Ob Session 7c+
© John Thornton Photography

Taking to the air from the crux of Supercool

Taking to the air from the crux of Supercool
© Kevin Avery

Autumn days at Malham - Jacob Harmer on Free & Easy (7c)

Free and Easy
Autumn days at Malham - Jacob Harmer on Free & Easy (7c)
© Joe Tomlinson

Pete Chadwick latches the good holds at the end of the crux of Supercool

Pete Chadwick latches the good holds at the end of the crux of Supercool
© Kevin Avery

Steve Roberts on Urgent Action

Urgent Action (aka Under the Thumb)
Steve Roberts on Urgent Action
© Will Hunt

Nerve-racking 3rd clip

Rose Coronary
Nerve-racking 3rd clip
© MarshaBalaeva

Bede on a successful redpoint of Illywacker

Bede on a successful redpoint of Illywacker
© JohnHartley

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Featuristic 7a * 31 15m Gordale Scar
Rock and Roll 7a ** 96 21m Trow Gill
Pillar Talk 7a ** 59 15m Blue Scar
Open for Business 7a ** 135 18m Trow Gill
Distant Lands 7a ** 227 ? Trow Gill
The Best Medicine 7a ** 155 14m Giggleswick South
t'Inglesportonia Wall 7a ** 142 20m Robin...
Rose Coronary 7a ** 1276 12m Malham Cove
Yew Terrace 7a * 111 20m Yew Cogar
Clink 7a ** 170 20m Trow Gill
Against the Grain 7a+ ** 262 22m Malham Cove
Sycophants 7a * 512 10m Malham Cove
The Jim Grin 7a *** 928 15m Troller's Gill
Passion and Warfare 7a ** 125 18m Dib Scar
Rampage 7a * 98 ? Giggleswick North
Gallows Humour 7a ** 31 28m Gordale Scar
Barguest 7a ** 245 20m Troller's Gill
Sven Vath 7a ** 91 24m Attermire Scar
Flights of Fancy 7a+ ** 62 ? Giggleswick North
Pimp with a Limp 7a+ *** 175 22m Trow Gill
Sweet Nothing 7a+ * 46 22m Troller's Gill
Angel Delight 7a+ ** 457 18m Troller's Gill
The Wizard's Wynd 7b ** 4 47m • 2 Trow Gill
Free and Even Easier 7a+ ** 845 12m Malham Cove
Yosemite Wall 7a+ *** 609 22m Malham Cove
Appetite 7a+ ** 512 20m Malham Cove
Slap Happy 7a+ *** 71 16m Loup Scar
Cop Out 7b ** 31 ? Langcliffe Quarry
The Road to Iraq and Ruin 7a+ ** 6 25m Trow Gill
Quiet Flight Direct 7a+ ** 554 16m Kilnsey
Crash Test Dummy 7a+ 7 14m Gordale Scar
Out of the Limelight 7a+ ** 76 10m Giggleswick South
Finger of Fun 7a+ * 66 15m Giggleswick South
Forever Young 7a+ ** 205 20m Robin...
Hardy Annual 7b * 247 ? Kilnsey
Holiday Blues 7a+ 1 ? Blue Scar
Time Out of Mind 7a+ *** 20 ? Blue Scar
Sassenach 7a+ *** 47 27m Dib Scar
Witches Brew 7b ** 213 22m Kilnsey
One Previous Owner 7a+ ** 19 16m Blue Scar
Market Forces 7b ** 7 22m Trow Gill
Lost in Howling 7b * 2 ? Attermire Scar
Something Stupid 7b * 423 12m Malham Cove
Hardcore Ecstasy 7b ** 34 20m Trow Gill
Seventh Aardvark 7b ** 527 12m Malham Cove
Haslam 7b+ *** 301 15m Troller's Gill
Pursuit of Excellence 7b+ *** 65 21m Trow Gill
Guided Muscle 7b ** 13 12m Loup Scar
Smooth Torquer 7a+ * 265 12m Kilnsey
Ground Effect 7b ** 340 ? Kilnsey
Sticky Wicket 7b+ * 476 ? Kilnsey
Well Hung 7b *** 18 38m Gordale Scar
Strictly Ballroom 7a * 209 25m Gordale Scar
Ventura 7b ** 12 22m Gordale Scar
Haggard Herring 7b * 52 ? Giggleswick North
Silent Laughter 7b *** 183 14m Giggleswick South
Blue Green Algae 7b ** 18 17m Trow Gill
Cruisin' for a Bruisin' 7b+ *** 226 15m Yew Cogar
Revival 7b+ *** 58 29m Gordale Scar
Louphole 7b+ * 5 18m Loup Scar
Trowgerbirge Wall 7b *** 113 22m Trow Gill
Throbscottle 7b+ 1 ? Blue Scar
Extremes of Opulence 7b+ ** 5 17m Trow Gill
Smouldering Globules of Lust 7c ** 131 16m Troller's Gill
Where the Time Goes 7b+ ** 5 20m Trow Gill
Harry Tuttle, Heating Engineer 7b+ ** 62 8m Giggleswick South
The Angel Gabriella 7b+ * 19 26m Malham Cove
Strictly B Team 7c * 4 18m Yew Cogar
Pantomime 7c *** 221 ? Kilnsey
Frankie Comes to Kilnsey 7b+ *** 298 ? Kilnsey
Ocean Blue 7b+ ** 1 ? Hull Pot
Nothing Lasts Forever 7b+ * 45 15m Gordale Scar
Obsession 7b+ *** 382 20m Malham Cove
Stunned Mullett 7b+ 5 ? Giggleswick North
The Fish and the Scales 7b+ ** 7 20m Dib Scar
Illywacker 7c *** 188 ? Giggleswick North
Soft Centre 7b+ * 6 20m Malham Cove
Lost In Thought and Lost In Time 7b+ *** 67 25m Attermire Scar
Sunset Boulevard 7b+ *** 186 ? Giggleswick North
Soulsports 7c *** 24 25m Attermire Scar
Devil's Grip 7c ** 52 16m Yew Cogar
Final Demand 7b ** 3 20m Dib Scar
Leap of Faith 7c ** 4 17m Trow Gill
Lonely Traveller 7c *** 7 20m Trow Gill
Free and Easy 7c ** 82 20m Malham Cove
Serious Young Toads 7c ** 26 18m Malham Cove
Chiselling the Dragon 7c * 143 12m Malham Cove
New Dawn 7c *** 348 22m Malham Cove
Minimum Fuss 7c ** 15 23m Malham Cove
Tremelo 7c *** 208 22m Malham Cove
More Rhubarb Faster 7c+ ** 13 ? Kilnsey
Central Crack 7b+ ** 5 16m Loup Scar
Dominatrix 7c *** 340 ? Kilnsey
Comedy 7c *** 550 ? Kilnsey
Biological Need 7c *** 218 20m Kilnsey
Strictly Masochism 7c+ *** 10 35m Gordale Scar
Blue Afternoon 7c * - 20m Blue Scar
Divine Brown 7c+ *** 51 25m Giggleswick North
Space Invaders 7c+ ** 54 10m Malham Cove
Herbie 7c+ *** 162 20m Malham Cove
Route 27 7c+ * 1 14m Trow Gill
Vorsprung Durch Technik 7c+ *** 44 20m Yew Cogar
The Maximum 7c+ ** 80 12m Malham Cove
Mescalito 7c+ *** 174 23m Malham Cove
The Ashes 7c+ *** 223 ? Kilnsey
Renaissance 8a *** 13 20m Malham Cove
Defcon 3 8a *** 117 30m Gordale Scar
Dreamtime 7c+ *** 49 ? Kilnsey
Dogpoint 7c+ *** 75 40m Gordale Scar
L'Ob Session 7c+ *** 75 20m Malham Cove
The Power and the Glory 8a ** 9 20m Yew Cogar
A Grand Day Out 7c+ *** 3 50m Gordale Scar
Man With A Gun 7c+ ** 118 ? Kilnsey
Main Overhang 8a ** 76 17m Malham Cove
Dibatable 7c+ 1 ? Dib Scar
The Gemini Incident 7c+ *** 7 22m Dib Scar
Scavenger 8a * 10 11m Malham Cove
Mr Nice 7c+ ** 50 21m Kilnsey
Jump Start 8a ** 1 17m Trow Gill
Angel Heart 7c+ * 66 16m Troller's Gill
Breach of the Peace 8a *** 8 12m Malham Cove
The New Age Traveller 8a *** 72 20m Malham Cove
Toadal Recall 8a ** 75 18m Malham Cove
Conceptual Continuity 8a ** 9 22m Malham Cove
Raindogs 8a *** 344 12m Malham Cove
Connect 4 8a ** 54 12m Malham Cove
Twisted 8a ** 9 12m Malham Cove
Zoolook 8a *** 156 22m Malham Cove
Subculture 8a ** 204 ? Kilnsey
Kleptomania 8a ** 63 ? Giggleswick North
The Thumb 8a *** 101 ? Kilnsey
Victorious 8a *** 22 27m Attermire Scar
The Bulge (aka Let Them Eat Jellybeans) 8a *** 166 ? Kilnsey
Mirage 8a *** 6 25m Gordale Scar
Cold Steal 8a *** 78 ? Kilnsey
The Groove 8a+ *** 73 32m Malham Cove
Supercool 8a+ *** 109 32m Gordale Scar
Urgent Action (aka Under the Thumb) 8a+ *** 108 ? Kilnsey
294 stars 19,111 2,127m 139
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