Contributed by Billg Mar/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,924 times

Manzoku  © ClimbingNut
© ClimbingNut

6 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Billg 98% 1 Sep
2nd gingernick 62% 29 Aug
3rd chris wyatt 58% 1 Aug, 2023
4th Paz 47% 23 May, 2018
5th Becky Athay 34% 31 Aug
6th Hidden 6% 18 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Rich K and Adam just avoiding getting wet on the classic Mysteries at Stennis Ford, Pembroke

Rich K and Adam just avoiding getting wet on the classic Mysteries at Stennis Ford, Pembroke
© John Cooke

Jake Thompsett climbing Rock Idol, E1 5a at Mother Carey's

Rock Idol
Jake Thompsett climbing Rock Idol, E1 5a at Mother Carey's
© Duncan Curry

Preposterous Tales

Preposterous Tales
© Dan Arkle

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike
© JadeBowling

Finding footholds on Papillon, Wintours Leap

Finding footholds on Papillon, Wintours Leap
© Rose Hall

Steep and full of jugs till you're pumped - Space Cadet is a classic!

Space Cadet
Steep and full of jugs till you're pumped - Space Cadet is a classic!
© Simon Richardson

The Butcher at sunset

The Butcher
The Butcher at sunset
© ap

Jim on the Butcher

The Butcher
Jim on the Butcher
© Pete Rigby

Aby sliming her way up to the second belay on Preposterous Tales

Preposterous Tales
Aby sliming her way up to the second belay on Preposterous Tales
© JoeCoxson

My old man working Pirates...

Pirates of Lamb Leer
My old man working Pirates...
© TimC123

Getting into the crux on Pirates of lamb leer 7a

Pirates of Lamb Leer
Getting into the crux on Pirates of lamb leer 7a
© TimC123

Chased by the tide

Brazen Buttress
Chased by the tide
© Dave Foster

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Scaremonger 6c+ ** 38 ? Wintour's Leap
Gunshot Wound to the Head 6c ** 699 ? Wintour's Leap
Heil Hitler 7a ** 168 ? Wintour's Leap
Lurking Smear 7a * 140 ? Wintour's Leap
Papillon E2 5b ** 377 ? • 2 Wintour's Leap
Never Say Goodbye E2 5c *** 219 ? Wintour's Leap
Wurlitzer E1 5c *** 332 ? Wintour's Leap
Firefly E3 5c *** 193 ? Wintour's Leap
A Fly In The Eye E3 5c ** 124 ? Wintour's Leap
Yesterday's Dreams E2 5c ** 303 ? Wintour's Leap
Kaiser Wall E3 6a *** 172 ? Wintour's Leap
Hell Gates HVS 5a *** 1005 46m • 3 Avon Gorge...
Baby Duck E1 5b ** 558 35m Avon Gorge...
New Horizons E3 5c ** 143 50m • 2 Avon Gorge (Sea...
New Horizons II E2 5c *** 759 18m Avon Gorge (Sea...
Last Slip E3 5c *** 119 40m • 2 Avon Gorge (Sea...
Yellow Edge E3 5c *** 329 72m • 3 Avon Gorge (Sea...
The Coriolis affair E2 5c ** 50 45m • 2 Trevallen Cliff
First Blood E2 5c *** 961 36m St. Govan's...
Clean Hand Blues Band E2 5b ** 1141 24m St. Govan's...
Test Case E3 5c *** 563 42m St. Govan's...
Deranged E2 5b *** 1048 36m St. Govan's...
Space Cadet E3 5c *** 588 42m St. Govan's...
The Butcher E3 5c *** 1297 24m St. Govan's...
Lucky Strike E1 5b *** 697 39m Rusty Walls
Star Gate E3 5c *** 314 39m Mother Carey's...
Brazen Buttress E2 5b *** 1032 36m Mother Carey's...
Rock Idol E1 5a *** 1338 45m Mother Carey's...
Mysteries E3 5c *** 351 45m • 2 Stennis Ford
Cool for Cats E1 5b *** 1610 36m Stennis Head
Manzoku E1 5b *** 1892 36m Stennis Head
Preposterous Tales E2 5b *** 305 50m • 3 Bosherston Head
Shape-Up E1 5b ** 732 39m Huntsman's Leap
The Beast from the Undergrowth E2 5b ** 889 45m Huntsman's Leap
Strap-Up E3 5c ** 160 42m Huntsman's Leap
Screwballed! 7a * 601 12m Cheddar Gorge North
Beverly's Wall 6b+ ** 138 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Pirates of Lamb Leer 7a ** 177 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Get That Man 7a+ *** 439 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Shakin' Like a Leaf 7a *** 579 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Creme de la Phlegm 6c * 242 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Space Tourist 6b+ ** 433 ? • 3 Cheddar Gorge South
Strange Little Girl 6c *** 801 ? Sirhowy
Mawr, Mawr, Mawr 7a *** 561 ? Sirhowy
Salmon Running, Bear Cunning 7a * 244 14m The Gap
A Certain Peace 6b ** 113 ? Mountain Ash
Misadventure 7a ** 94 ? Mountain Ash
Ghengis Khan 6c+ *** 313 35m Taff's Well
The Melty Man Cometh 7a * 46 30m Taff's Well
The Relaxed Ladybird 6c ** 366 20m Navigation Quarry
Great Expectations 6c+ ** 139 ? Navigation Quarry
Western Front Direct 7a *** 396 ? Navigation Quarry
The Owl and the Antelope E2 *** 77 ? Navigation Quarry
On Jupiter and Mars E1 ** 123 ? Navigation Quarry
The Inflated Roundhead 7a+ * 177 ? Dinas Rock
Berlin 7a+ *** 213 ? Dinas Rock
Chepito 7a ** 1578 17m Brean Down
Pearl Harbour 7a *** 1705 15m Brean Down
Coral Sea 6c ** 1948 ? Brean Down
Foxy Lady 7a ** 174 ? Foxhole
The Hooker 7a ** 182 ? Foxhole
Joy de Viva 7a *** 492 ? Foxhole
Pioneers of the Hypnotic Groove 7b *** 438 ? Foxhole
Ducky Lucky 7a+ ** 178 ? Foxhole
The Day The Sky Fell In 6b+ * 449 ? Foxhole
The Raven 7a+ *** 200 ? Minchin Hole
Southeast Wall 6a+ *** 348 18m Third Sister to...
Fiesta 6b ** 240 ? Third Sister to...
Twlight World 6c *** 207 18m Third Sister to...
Hanging by a Thread 6c *** 338 ? Witches Point
There's Life in the Old Dog Yet 6c+ * 77 ? Witches Point
Liassic Lark 7a * 205 ? Witches Point
68 e, 171 stars 35,677 1,141m 85
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