Contributed by Richy boy Aug/11 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,865 times

Every route up to and including E1 on Daddyhole main cliff!

1st pitch of The Pearl seen from the route start.  © Greg G
1st pitch of The Pearl seen from the route start.
© Greg G, Aug 2018

8 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Motown 66% 14 Sep, 2019
2nd Hidden 44% 26 Jul, 2013
2nd Chris Ebbutt 44% 3 Jul
3rd Cheese Monkey 33% 6 Jan, 2013
4th JackHatton 22% 12 Feb, 2012
4th Rory Bascombe 22% 1 Oct, 2015
5th Infinite Granite 11% 3 May, 2013

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

me on gates of eden daddyhole.

Gates of Eden
me on gates of eden daddyhole.
© Kate Edhouse

Carlo tackling one of the sandbag overhanging sections of Last Exit to Torquay.

Last Exit to Torquay
Carlo tackling one of the sandbag overhanging sections of Last Exit to Torquay.
© NathanTorbay

Gates of Eden pitch Overlooking BerryHead!!

Gates of Eden
Gates of Eden pitch Overlooking BerryHead!!
© justin burgoyne

Matt on Last Exit to Torquay

Last Exit to Torquay
Matt on Last Exit to Torquay
© Kafoozalem

Richy's ready

Last Exit to Torquay
Richy's ready
© Motown

Steve at the First Belay

Gates of Eden
Steve at the First Belay
© TriCamTriHard

Dan Devey and Jack Hatton at the niche belay

Gates of Eden
Dan Devey and Jack Hatton at the niche belay
© DanDevey94

Chawn after the crux

Chawn after the crux
© francois

Gates of Eden, first pitch.

Gates of Eden
Gates of Eden, first pitch.
© althesin

Unknown climber starting the delicate slab traverse on Tabacco road, Daddyhole

Tobacco Road
Unknown climber starting the delicate slab traverse on Tabacco road, Daddyhole
© timstyles

Alice on 1st pitch

Alice on 1st pitch
© toriabobs31

The pitch crux at the end of 1st pitch.

The Pearl
The pitch crux at the end of 1st pitch.
© Greg G

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Good Dog E1 5b * 16 24m Daddyhole Main Cliff
Tobacco Road VS 4b * 149 27m Daddyhole Main Cliff
Readymix HVS 5a 3 46m Daddyhole Main Cliff
Gargantua E1 5b *** 205 40m • 3 Daddyhole Main Cliff
Gates of Eden VS 5a *** 614 46m • 3 Daddyhole Main Cliff
Last Exit to Torquay HVS 5b *** 363 41m • 2 Daddyhole Main Cliff
Triton VS 5a ** 325 46m • 2 Daddyhole Main Cliff
Fandangle HVS 5b * 12 55m • 2 Daddyhole Main Cliff
The Pearl HS 4b 54 63m • 2 Daddyhole Main Cliff
2 e, 14 stars 1,741 388m 17
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