Contributed by AMorris Dec/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 2,030 times

Essential boulders for Aberystwyth Uni MC members to try during their studies. This list focusses on areas which are frequented by the club or easy to get to.

King Of Drunks Sit Start  © Fresher
King Of Drunks Sit Start
© Fresher, May 2018

17 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
Login as Existing User to subscribe, which will show the climbs you've already ticked.

User Percentage Latest Log
1st AMorris 97% 6 Jul, 2020
2nd James-m-h 45% 24 Jul, 2021
2nd Ben2004 45% 30 Jun
3rd matt peacey 42% 19 Nov, 2022
4th IeuanHarri 25% 17 Jun
5th ianstevens 22% 22 Mar, 2020
6th DMC 20% 1 Jun, 2021
7th emlaw17 14% 28 Jul, 2022
8th WillTayAMC 8% 6 Nov, 2020
8th kmitch92 8% 11 Apr, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Classic move

The Pinch
Classic move
© sim.monkey

Boysen's Groove.

Boysen's groove
Boysen's Groove.
© Mark Bullock

Sam contemplating the crux

Jerry's Roof
Sam contemplating the crux
© Caradog

Catching the Finish

Flick of the Wrist
Catching the Finish
© Andy Myers

King of drunks- Wavelength area- Llanberis pass Snowdonia

King of Drunks
King of drunks- Wavelength area- Llanberis pass Snowdonia
© Andrew Poland

A beanie is all you need to send!

Flick of the Wrist
A beanie is all you need to send!
© Jodie Evans

Ianto on The Pinch v7

The Pinch
Ianto on The Pinch v7
© ianto9

Shortly after, Neil rewarded himself with a ‘bean pizza’ (yes, beans - on pizza). Heathen.

The Pinch
Shortly after, Neil rewarded himself with a ‘bean pizza’ (yes, beans - on pizza). Heathen.
© KGshoots

Jenn sending the classic Boysen's Groove (V3/4)

Boysen's groove
Jenn sending the classic Boysen's Groove (V3/4)
© TRNovice

giving Lloyd a spot on Oh Yeah V5. Caseg Fraith Boulder, North Wales

Oh Yeah
giving Lloyd a spot on Oh Yeah V5. Caseg Fraith Boulder, North Wales
© pete24

Ben teetering up the technical arête

Ben teetering up the technical arête
© KGshoots

1st moves on Jerrys Roof

Jerry's Roof
1st moves on Jerrys Roof
© Jodie Evans

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Backside Arete V0- *** 297 ? RAC Boulders
The Ramp V1 *** 1478 ? Cromlech boulders
Brown's Crack f5 ** 492 ? Cromlech boulders
Pocket Wall f6A+ ** 1026 ? Cromlech boulders
Bog Traverse V4 ** 87 ? Cromlech boulders
Bullock LH f6B+ * 175 ? Cromlech boulders
Heel Hook Traverse V4 ** 408 ? Cromlech boulders
The Groove f6A ** 286 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Boysen's groove V4 *** 402 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Problem 6 V4 ** 70 ? Dinas Mot
Bendigeidfran f6B *** 68 ? Tanygrisiau Boulders
Tusk E1 5a * 10 7m Borth
Rock A Bye Baby V4 *** 11 ? Aberystwyth Sea Wall
Dog Whelk Roof f6A+ * 12 2m Below Allt-Wen
Aber Slapper f6C 6 ? Carreg yr Ogof
Heel Hook Traverse f6C 2 ? Borth
Roadside Arete V5 ** 451 ? Cromlech boulders
Cave Route V6 ** 168 ? Cromlech boulders
The Edge Problem sds V6 ** 554 ? Cromlech boulders
Deep Throat Donut f6C+ ** 45 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
King of Drunks V6 *** 611 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Arse Soul f7A ** 97 ? Tonfedd [Wavelength...
Bulling 747 V6 ** 127 ? Dinas Mot
The Minimum V7 ** 222 ? Dinas Mot
Jerry's Wall V6 ** 119 ? Carreg Wastad
The Pinch V7 ** 538 ? Gorlan (The Sheep...
Caseg Fraith Arete f6B *** 315 ? Caseg Fraith Boulder
Oh Yeah f6C+ ** 212 ? Caseg Fraith Boulder
Homage Traverse f7A+ * 17 ? Clogwyn y Bustach
Tempest f7A *** 131 ? Tanygrisiau Boulders
Cubism SS f6C+ * 2 3m Below Allt-Wen
Driftwood Mac f6C+ * 1 3m Below Allt-Wen
Jerry's Roof f7C *** 461 ? Cromlech boulders
Diesel Power V11 ** 63 ? Cromlech boulders
Flick of the Wrist f7C+ *** 94 ? Tanygrisiau Boulders
1 e, 70 stars 9,058 15m 35
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