Contributed by The Climbminister Jul/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,220 times

Sunny Wallsend  © Alex Durrant
Sunny Wallsend
© Alex Durrant, Sep 2021

7 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st adambwalls 70% 9 Jun
2nd crispygts 46% 26 Jul
3rd Pottsy84 42% 19 Aug
4th The Climbminister 6% 25 Jul, 2019
5th Jones_Will_Climb 1% 19 Aug, 2019
5th Ethan.Jenkins.09 1% 20 Sep, 2019
5th speculoos 1% 12 Jul, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Isle of Portland wall climbing at its best - a Seagulls eye view.

Isle of Portland wall climbing at its best - a Seagulls eye view.
© Mark Glaister - Assistant Editor

Pete off 'The Right Mix' at Wallsend, F6b+

The Right Mix
Pete off 'The Right Mix' at Wallsend, F6b+
© Steve Hardy

'Burning Skies' with a burning sky.

Burning Skies
'Burning Skies' with a burning sky.
© samparsons

Xavier's wall area on Portland last weekend

Xavier's wall area on Portland last weekend
© tony4433

Beautiful view at Wallsend North once the cloud lifted. Mayday bank holiday weekend 2015

The Right Mix
Beautiful view at Wallsend North once the cloud lifted. Mayday bank holiday weekend 2015
© Chris O'Connell

Chasing the tide at Coastguard South on Portland

Xavier's Wall
Chasing the tide at Coastguard South on Portland
© Mark Glaister - Assistant Editor

Si Hudson on Buoys will be Buoys

Buoys will be Buoys
Si Hudson on Buoys will be Buoys
© StuM

The end of the layback on the glorious flake of Two Fingers ✌️

Two Fingers
The end of the layback on the glorious flake of Two Fingers ✌️
© Sam Parsons - After The Send

Tristan on Burning Skies

Burning Skies
Tristan on Burning Skies
© Dan_Carroll

High on Return to Roissy (6b+), Blacknor Central

Return to Roissy
High on Return to Roissy (6b+), Blacknor Central
© Brian H

Burning Skies

Burning Skies
© jim jones

Tom on the crux of Turned to Stone

Turned to Stone
Tom on the crux of Turned to Stone
© Mark Kemball

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Perihelion 6b+ ** 618 ? The Cuttings
Weird Shit, Keep Drilling 6b+ ** 251 17m The Cuttings
Disobedience Contest 6b ** 380 18m The Cuttings
Two Fingers 6a ** 1625 16m The Cuttings
New Saladin 6c ** 752 18m The Cuttings
Consommé 6a+ ** 1924 17m The Cuttings
Brief Encounter 6b ** 994 16m The Cuttings
L'Odyssee Noire 6c+ 26 24m Coastguard South
Xavier's Wall 6a *** 587 24m Coastguard South
Coming of Age 6a ** 382 24m Coastguard South
Underage 6a *** 610 24m Coastguard South
Xavier Zoo 6a ** 274 24m Coastguard South
Young at Heart 6a+ ** 212 24m Coastguard South
The Jewel of the Isle 6b+ *** 483 28m Wallsend South
Stalker's Zone 6a+ *** 932 28m Wallsend South
Accordions Go Crazy 6b+ ** 97 21m Wallsend South
Trad Free World 6b *** 769 28m Wallsend South
The Watchman 6b *** 529 28m Wallsend South
Immaculata 6c ** 77 27m Wallsend South
No Place for Mambas 6b *** 282 30m Wallsend South
Opposites Attract 6c *** 122 30m Wallsend South
The Right Mix 7a+ ** 194 14m Wallsend North
Never Lose that Feeling 6b * 194 13m Wallsend North
The Price of Silence 6a ** 1980 19m Battleship Back...
Buoys will be Buoys 6b+ *** 1417 27m Battleship Back...
Judge Jeffreys 6c *** 441 17m Battleship Edge
One for the Gipper 6b * 364 17m Battleship Edge
President Elect 6b+ * 99 15m Battleship Edge
Margaret on the Guillotine 6a ** 1024 17m Battleship Edge
Pinch an Inch 6a ** 1217 18m Battleship Edge
Inch Perfect, Inchworm 6b+ ** 929 18m Battleship Edge
Lazy Sunday Crack HVS 5a - 30m Lydstep Point Area
Evening Falls 6a+ ** 638 18m Battleship Edge
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Driller 6b ** 126 18m Blacknor Far South
The Sponginess of the Wrong Mixture Filler 6b ** 62 ? Blacknor Far South
Carlos Fandango Belay 6b ** 240 18m Blacknor Far South
Paying It Forward 6a+ ** 425 19m Blacknor Far South
Escape from the Dwaafee Room 6a ** 564 19m Blacknor Far South
Punter's Way 6a+ ** 440 19m Blacknor Far South
Reality Bites 6b+ ** 161 20m Blacknor Far South
The Unknown Soldier 6b+ ** 309 19m Blacknor Far South
Read the Small Print 6b ** 360 19m Blacknor Far South
Fear's Younger Brother 6a *** 864 19m Blacknor Far South
Ocean Drive 6b *** 635 19m Blacknor Far South
Bum Droplets 6b+ ** 227 23m Blacknor South
Turned to Stone 6c+ *** 577 23m Blacknor South
Cut Throat Jake 6b ** 336 23m Blacknor South
The Lizard of Oz 6a+ ** 1172 10m Blacknor South
Talk 6a+ ** 1754 15m Blacknor South
Toe the Line 6b ** 1236 15m Blacknor South
Driven Like the Snow 6b+ ** 288 28m Blacknor Central
Return to Roissy 6b+ ** 538 28m Blacknor Central
Ausfahrt 6b+ *** 414 28m Blacknor Central
Burning Skies 6c *** 544 28m Blacknor Central
Gaze of the Gorgon 6a+ ** 348 28m Blacknor Central
Go With the Flow 6a ** 668 22m Blacknor Central
Kit Kat 6b ** 515 22m Blacknor Central
Nothing is Cool 6c ** 164 19m Blacknor Central
Cake Walk 6a+ ** 1704 22m Blacknor North
Very Sleepy River 6b ** 1179 22m Blacknor North
Cinema Paradiso 6a * 539 22m Blacknor North
Captain Lob Meets the Nipple Pincher 6b ** 211 18m Blacknor North
Drag Racing Underground 6c+ ** 45 22m Blacknor North
Meg's Got Leukaemia 6a ** 900 23m Blacknor North
135 stars 37,968 1,319m 64
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