Contributed by Ciaranunderscoretolan Feb/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,104 times

Have u got a wide span, poor technique or holes in your toes? Do u feel like hugging rock makes up for the lack of affection you received as a child? Do you also live in either God’s own county, north of the Humber or the land of the Lakes. If you answered yes then look no further, get ticking
Disclaimer: there’s a couple in here from dirty dirty Lancashire but I’m told they’re good lines so I’ll claim them in the name of the white rose

Totally (un)necessary beta.  © Matthew Ferrier
Totally (un)necessary beta.
© Matthew Ferrier, Apr 2016

45 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st C coldwell-storry 50% 7 Jan
2nd Hidden 38% 11 Oct, 2023
3rd IRad 28% 19 Jun, 2021
3rd Haydn Jones 28% 26 Mar, 2023
3rd Hidden 28% 20 May, 2023
3rd Bloke on a Rope 28% 4 Jun, 2023
4th david morse 24% 23 Apr
5th Ciaranunderscoretolan 22% 5 Jun, 2021
6th Peter87 20% 18 Apr, 2021
7th Smith42 18% 11 Nov, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

A change of perspective on the Pokey

Pig In A Pokey
A change of perspective on the Pokey
© Harry William Brook

Toe hooking to glory

Pig In A Pokey
Toe hooking to glory
© Mike_d78

'This feels steep'

World Line
'This feels steep'
© yan hawkins

Waiting patiently prior to the FDA.....?

Pig In A Pokey
Waiting patiently prior to the FDA.....?
© Mike_d78

Tina making The Magicians Nephew look even bigger

The Magician's Nephew
Tina making The Magicians Nephew look even bigger
© Bloke on a Rope

Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect
Ripple Effect
© Bloke on a Rope


© peewee2008

Match left hand to left foot......

Pig In A Pokey
Match left hand to left foot......
© Mike_d78

Where the wild things are

Where the wild things are
© Si Litchfield

Joe on underhand

Joe on underhand
© HarmM

The Magicians Nephew

The Magician's Nephew
The Magicians Nephew
© Bloke on a Rope

Pete on Jason's Roof

Jason's Roof
Pete on Jason's Roof
© peewee2008

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Murky Rib Sit Start. f7A ** 145 ? Brimham Rocks
Galaxy f7A 134 ? Simon's Seat
Steve's Wall f7A+ * 117 ? Almscliff
So Pussy f7A+ ** 49 ? Little Brimham
The Prow f7A+ ** 103 ? Caley Crags
Mothership Reconnection f7A+ *** 114 ? Thorn Crag
Pig In A Pokey f7A+ *** 149 ? Buckstones Edge...
Okey Dokey f7B *** 31 ? Buckstones Edge...
Green Nose/The Green Roof f7B 50 ? Brimham Rocks
The Grouch f7B *** 153 ? Brimham Rocks
Take a Bough f7B ** 8 ? Brimham Rocks
Underhand f7B+ ** 287 ? Almscliff
The Drey f7B+ ** 23 ? Caley Crags
Fridge Hugger f7B+ *** 19 ? Blackstone Edge
The Edge of Glory (Standing) f7B+ *** 13 ? Roseberry Topping
Self Suicide f7B+ * 45 ? Slipstones
Asylum f7B+ *** 4 ? Piper's Crag
Ripple Effect f7B+ ** 117 ? Brimham Rocks
Ringpiece f7B+ ** 125 ? Ilkley (Cow and...
Fight on Black Sit-start f7C 3 ? Widdop
Simon Says Squeeze f7C * - ? Simon's Seat
Pounce f7B+ *** 34 ? Brimham Rocks
Pumped-Up Plastic People f7C *** 23 ? Ash Head
Ponce f7C *** 17 ? Brimham Rocks
The Edge of Glory f7C+ *** 7 ? Roseberry Topping
Chiasmata f8A ** 23 ? Almscliff
Big Cuddles f8A *** - ? Brimham Rocks
Jason's Roof f8A *** 55 ? Crookrise
Ancient E6 6b *** 7 ? Little Brimham
The Magician's Nephew f6B+ ** 136 ? Queens Crag
Where the wild things are f6B+ *** 3 ? Lower Tosson
World Line f7B *** 139 ? Queens Crag
Where the Wild Things Sit f7C+ *** 3 ? Lower Tosson
The Eyes of Silence f7C+ *** 10 ? Callerhues
Queen Kong f8A *** 32 6m Queens Crag
Queen Kong SS f8A+ *** 7 ? Queens Crag
Star Slinger f8A+ *** 5 ? High Crag
Star Power f8B+ *** 1 ? High Crag
J Mascis f7A+ *** 78 ? Gouther Crags
Ears of Perception f7B ** 116 ? The Bowderstone
Daggermouth f7B ** 24 ? Coniston Bouldering
Son of Kong f7B *** 36 ? Harter Gold Boulders
Runs on Weasel f7B * 182 ? Kentmere Boulders
Son of Kong (sit start) f7B+ *** 8 ? Harter Gold Boulders
Weasel Power f7B+ ** 45 ? Kentmere Boulders
Jabberjaw f7B+ 2 ? St. Bees Head
Monkey Trunk f7B * 45 ? Carrock Fell Crag
Coconutter Start f7C *** 45 ? Gouther Crags
The Haçienda f7C+ *** 21 ? Coniston Bouldering
Supergene f8A *** 20 ? Coniston Bouldering
6 e, 115 stars 2,813 6m 50
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