Contributed by Hard Hawk Nov/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,441 times

A selection of local climbs for Shelterstone members to test their mettle.

Hooking my way up the crux pitch on The Message after Robbie's lead.  © JohnHartley
Hooking my way up the crux pitch on The Message after Robbie's lead.
© JohnHartley, Nov 2018

7 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 62% 31 Jul
2nd Stuart S 37% 30 Aug, 2015
3rd MPoulsen 33% 17 Aug
4th BigAlex 18% 4 Jun, 2023
5th struanmorrison 16% 5 Jun, 2023
6th Alasdair_Peach 14% 31 Jul, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Under the Point

Point Five Gully
Under the Point
© Al Todd

Into the ice

Point Five Gully
Into the ice
© Al Todd

Savage Slit

Savage Slit (Winter)
Savage Slit
© Hamish Frost

Into the ice

Point Five Gully
Into the ice
© Al Todd

Lowered down upside down after falling on pitch 2 and breaking and dislocating my ankle

Point Five Gully
Lowered down upside down after falling on pitch 2 and breaking and dislocating my ankle
© leo-z-g

In the jaws of The Black Spout

The Black Spout
In the jaws of The Black Spout
© MrRiley

The needle crack

The Needle
The needle crack
© andymoin

Under the Point

Point Five Gully
Under the Point
© Al Todd

Point Five Gully in February 2009

Point Five Gully
Point Five Gully in February 2009
© Mike Pescod

The Rouge Pitch

Point Five Gully
The Rouge Pitch

Davie Paraffin on Point Five Gully, Ben Nevis, December of '82 (or maybe 83?)

Point Five Gully
Davie Paraffin on Point Five Gully, Ben Nevis, December of '82 (or maybe 83?)
© 1982 Calum Fraser

Descending the Ben

Point Five Gully
Descending the Ben
© Hidden

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Slab Top Chimney D ** 226 ? Souter Head
Brooker's Arete S *** 386 ? Souter Head
Lucky Strike VS 4c ** 970 15m Pass of Ballater
The Pobble VS 4b 393 ? Souter Head
Little Cenotaph HVS 5b ** 883 12m Pass of Ballater
Black Custard E1 5b *** 773 12m Pass of Ballater
Dod's Dead Cat E2 5c ** 155 ? Pass of Ballater
Sair Fecht E3 6a ** 38 ? Floors Craig
Peel's Wall E4 6a *** 169 ? Pass of Ballater
Bob's Overhang E4 6a *** 55 10m The Long Slough
Prehistoric Monster E5 6a *** 49 ? Earnsheugh
Smith's Arete E5 6a *** 57 12m Pass of Ballater
Yahoochie E6 6a *** 28 ? Craig Stirling
Squareface VD *** 518 90m • 3 Beinn a'...
Savage Slit (Summer) S *** 1161 80m • 4 Cairn Gorm - Cairn...
Eagle Ridge (Summer) S ** 1001 250m Lochnagar
Cumming-Crofton Route (Summer) S *** 240 ? Beinn a'...
Black Mamba VS 4c *** 130 ? Creag an Dubh-loch
Cyclops HVS 5a *** 149 ? • 11 Creag an Dubh-loch
Death Cap E1 5a *** 250 ? Earnsheugh
The Needle E1 5b *** 616 260m Shelterstone Crag
King Rat E1 5c ** 166 220m • 7 Creag an Dubh-loch
Laurel 6a * 165 ? Boltsheugh
Sharp Practice 6a ** 219 ? Cambus O'May...
The League of Whingers 6b+ * 86 ? Boltsheugh
Incandescent 6b+ ** 54 ? Yellow Crag,...
Trouble Monkey variation 6b+ ** 46 ? Boltsheugh
Technicolor 6c * 32 ? Yellow Crag,...
Technical Merit 6c+ 56 ? Cambus O'May...
Kamikaze 6c+ ** 444 25m Ratho Quarry
Trouble Monkey 7a+ * 31 ? Boltsheugh
Underbelly 7b *** 32 ? Newtonhill
Heinous De Milo 7b ** 5 ? Cambus O'May...
The Black Spout I ** 283 250m Lochnagar
Black Spout - Left Branch I *** 163 250m Lochnagar
Raeburn's Gully II *** 332 ? Lochnagar
Central Buttress (Winter) II ** 224 ? Lochnagar
Fiacaill Couloir II *** 812 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Parallel Gully A III ** 105 275m • 6 Lochnagar
Cathedral Chimney IV 4 ** 66 ? Lochnagar
Shadow Buttress A IV 5 *** 179 300m Lochnagar
Magic Pillar IV 5 *** 141 80m • 3 Lochnagar
The Seam IV 5 *** 788 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
The Message IV 6 *** 826 90m • 4 Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Point Five Gully V 5 *** 948 ? Ben Nevis
Savage Slit (Winter) V 6 *** 633 90m • 2 Cairn Gorm - Cairn...
Eagle Ridge (Winter) VI 6 *** 111 ? Lochnagar
Fallout Corner (Winter) VI 7 *** 218 80m Cairn Gorm - Cairn...
Mont Blanc summit 460 4,810m Mont Blanc
Southwest Face AD+ 4c *** 531 ? Dent du Geant
Robin Wood TD 6a ** 95 ? Aiguilles Rouges
Drookit M4 * 7 ? Newtonhill
Credit Crunch M5 ** 5 ? Newtonhill
Buz l'eclaire M7 3 25m Cascade de Berard
33 e, 122 stars 16,513 7,236m 86
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