Contributed by Archie Burney Apr/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 972 times

Only the best gritstone blocs at affordable grades (sub 8a)

Obligatory gurn  © Callum Smith
Obligatory gurn
© Callum Smith, Sep 2014

6 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st will rivers 69% 9 Oct, 2022
2nd Archie Burney 56% 1 Dec, 2023
3rd Hidden 43% 25 Nov, 2022
4th Hidden 39% 17 Apr, 2023
5th Gordon W 34% 29 Jun
6th Hidden 21% 26 Jan, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Trackside after midnight.

Trackside after midnight.
© Tom Napier

Evie Cotrulia on Gorilla Warfare, Curbar, Peak District.

Gorilla Warfare
Evie Cotrulia on Gorilla Warfare, Curbar, Peak District.
© Yann Genoux

Razor Roof

Razor Roof
© StuM

Brad Pit

Brad Pit
© g taylor

Autumn sunsets

Gorilla Warfare
Autumn sunsets
© KGshoots

Brad Pit at dusk

Brad Pit
Brad Pit at dusk
© Adam Long

Faith - or a lack of it - in friction

Faith - or a lack of it - in friction
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Ru Davies eyes up the last move on Brad Pit

Brad Pit
Ru Davies eyes up the last move on Brad Pit
© Stuart Littlefair

Brass Monkeys on a fresh Autumn eve

Brass Monkeys
Brass Monkeys on a fresh Autumn eve
© AdamBrown

Catching the early morning sun on West Side Story

West Side Story
Catching the early morning sun on West Side Story
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Perfect day, shame it's not the same with the friction

Perfect day, shame it's not the same with the friction
© Jon_Butters

Sophie sending Asylum Sika

Asylum Sika
Sophie sending Asylum Sika
© Brett Ffitch

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Boyager f7A+ *** 389 ? Burbage North
The Terrace f7C *** 385 ? Burbage North
Zaff Skoczylas f7C *** 137 ? Burbage North
Tetris f7C *** 166 ? The Five Clouds
Trust f7A *** 354 ? The Five Clouds
Gorilla Warfare f7A *** 1869 ? Curbar Edge
Monochrome f7B *** 418 ? Burbage North
Asylum Sika f7B ** 170 ? Burbage North
Hanging Wall f7A ** 360 ? Burbage North
Brass Monkeys f7C *** 279 ? Stanage Plantation
Brad Pit f7C *** 229 ? Stanage Plantation
Flatworld f7C *** 135 ? Baslow Edge
Flatworld Sit-start f7C+ *** 19 ? Baslow Edge
The Keel f7C ** 343 ? Almscliff
The Bulb f7C+ ** 42 ? Almscliff
Demon Wall Roof f7A+ *** 732 ? Almscliff
Trackside f7A *** 2358 ? Curbar Edge
Dry Wit in a Wet Country f7A *** 507 ? Robin Hood's...
Razor Roof f6C *** 1770 ? Cratcliffe Tor
T Crack f7B *** 514 ? Cratcliffe Tor
Sole Power f7C *** 57 ? Froggatt Edge
West Side Story f7B+ *** 372 ? Burbage West
Breakfast f7A *** 880 ? Burbage West
65 stars 12,485 ? 23
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