Contributed by mountainremedy Jul/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,022 times

me on The Blurter  © Sam Beaton
me on The Blurter
Sam, Sep 2008
© Sam Beaton

10 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 46% 21 Jul
2nd Hidden 25% 17 Aug, 2023
2nd Heiko 25% 11 Aug
3rd Hidden 6% 25 May, 2023
4th petecallaghan 4% 27 May
4th edmundje01 4% 28 Jul
5th Philchris 2% 30 Apr, 2022
5th EllenHolmes 2% 9 Jul, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The File, Sunset Solo

The File
The File, Sunset Solo
© Dan Arkle

Stu soloing the File on Higgar Tor, before finding out the downclimb was covered in ice!

The File
Stu soloing the File on Higgar Tor, before finding out the downclimb was covered in ice!
© Simon Richardson

Rebecca Ting on the final flake of Suicide Wall, Cratcliffe.

Suicide Wall
Rebecca Ting on the final flake of Suicide Wall, Cratcliffe.
© Paul Evans

Laudi on 'Plexity'

Laudi on 'Plexity'
© Andrew Marshall

Janna on Legacy (HVS 5a), Kinder North

Janna on Legacy (HVS 5a), Kinder North
© Tim W

Jesse cruising along Legacy at Kinder North

Jesse cruising along Legacy at Kinder North
© mol

Cratcliffe displaying it's autumn colours. Simon Nadin approaching the top of the classic suicide wall.

Suicide Wall
Cratcliffe displaying it's autumn colours. Simon Nadin approaching the top of the classic suicide wall.
© PeteWilson

Dominic Oughton at the crux of Saul's Crack, Upper Tier

Saul's Crack
Dominic Oughton at the crux of Saul's Crack, Upper Tier
© Paul Evans

Jesse Dufton climbs a contender for the best HVS on grit

Suicide Wall
Jesse Dufton climbs a contender for the best HVS on grit
© mol

more jamming?

Suicide Wall
more jamming?
© loundsy

Bridging up to a rest

Goliath's Groove
Bridging up to a rest
© greg_may_


© jas wood

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bramble Crack HVS 5b ** 135 14m Shining Cliff
Great Crack HVS 5a *** 264 25m Duke's Quarry
Central Crack HVS 5a *** 784 12m Wilton 3
Goliath's Groove HVS 5a *** 2603 22m Stanage Plantation
Taurus Crack VS 4c * 329 10m Stanage Plantation
Overhanging Crack HVS 5a * 88 10m Stanage Plantation
Fern Crack VS 5a *** 1661 16m Stanage Plantation
Cue HVS 5b ** 467 22m Stanage Plantation
Wall Buttress HVS 5a ** 1084 12m Stanage Plantation
The Right Unconquerable HVS 5a *** 3761 16m Stanage Plantation
Sling Shot (Burbage South) HVS 5b * 27 14m Burbage South Edge
Nathaniel HVS 5b * 48 10m Burbage South Edge
Dowel Crack HVS 5a * 82 8m Burbage South Edge
Tower Crack HVS 5a ** 208 12m Burbage South Edge
Brooks' Crack HVS 5a *** 368 14m Burbage South Edge
Split Nose HVS 5a * 49 6m Burbage South Edge
Roof Route HVS 5b *** 547 9m Rivelin Edge
Pebble Crack HVS 5a * 32 ? Burbage South Edge
The File VS 4c *** 2126 10m Higgar Tor
Estremo HVS 5a ** 332 16m Millstone Edge
Plexity HVS 5a *** 1175 22m Millstone Edge
Suicide Wall HVS 5b *** 1488 30m • 2 Cratcliffe Tor
Sepulchrave HVS 5b ** 241 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Saul's Crack HVS 5a *** 1742 18m Roaches Upper Tier
Jeepers Creepers E1 5b ** 1000 14m Stanage North
Kelly's Overhang E1 5c *** 1209 16m Stanage North
The Dalesman HVS 5a * 388 22m Stanage North
Silence HVS 5b * 75 14m Stanage North
Quantum Crack HVS 5a ** 772 10m Stanage North
The Blurter HVS 5b *** 876 22m Stanage North
Left Eliminate E1 5c ** 384 11m Curbar Edge
Brant Direct HVS 5a *** 1969 ? Clogwyn y Grochan
Hercules E1 5a * 120 11m Curbar Edge
Merlin Direct HVS 5a *** 2411 50m • 2 Craig Bwlch y Moch...
Strapiombo HVS 5b *** 137 ? Craig Pant Ifan...
Icarus HVS 5a ** 1144 ? Rhoscolyn
Fan Fare HVS 4c ** 365 ? Rhoscolyn
Herford's Crack HVS 5a *** 452 ? Clogwyn y Tarw (The...
Leaning Buttress Direct HVS 5b ** 2166 16m Stanage Popular
Lunakhod HVS 5a *** 731 40m Lower Sharpnose...
Legacy HVS 5a *** 289 20m Kinder Northern...
Jester Cracks HVS 5a *** 142 16m Kinder Northern...
The Dog HVS 5b *** 695 12m Pot Hole Quarry...
4 e, 97 stars 34,966 620m 45
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