Contributed by peteJ23 Feb/13 - This public ticklist has been seen 2,877 times

A Get to know Brimham Rocks mid range circuit 3+ to 6c+
from the 2012 YMC Guide

DJ on the awkward niche of Happy Days   © Chris Pilbeam
DJ on the awkward niche of Happy Days
DJ Wan, May 2023
© Chris Pilbeam

25 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 1 has completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st H Dom 100% 14 Mar, 2022
2nd Andy Graham 62% 30 Apr, 2013
2nd peteJ23 62% 6 Jul, 2016
3rd Hidden 54% 4 Dec, 2017
4th Hidden 50% 2018
5th neesan 45% 12 Oct, 2021
6th daprince 41% 17 May, 2023
6th Dan Watson 41% 28 May, 2017
7th Hidden 37% 25 Oct, 2020
7th daftendirekt 37% 16 Apr, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Murky Rib

Murky Rib
© A Nidderdale boulderer.

Emma on Murky Rib with Tom providing the power spot.

Murky Rib
Emma on Murky Rib with Tom providing the power spot.
© cameronbrewes

DJ on the awkward niche of Happy Days

Happy Days, Sit-start
DJ on the awkward niche of Happy Days
© Chris Pilbeam

Snowy Car Park boulders!

Snowy Car Park boulders!
© spiderz

Photo taken by Jaydee70

Murky Rib
Photo taken by Jaydee70
© MHClimb92

Andy getting his groove on!

Learn n' Groove
Andy getting his groove on!
© Jaydee70

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Sunshine f3+ 456 ? Brimham Rocks
Sunbeam f4 457 ? Brimham Rocks
Trench f5+ * 393 ? Brimham Rocks
Cubic f6A+ ** 252 ? Brimham Rocks
Joker's Reach f6B 202 ? Brimham Rocks
Gamma Goblins f6B+ 4 ? Brimham Rocks
Happy Days, Sit-start f7A ** 154 ? Brimham Rocks
Green Roof f6A * 39 ? Brimham Rocks
Red Face f5+ 123 ? Brimham Rocks
Learn n' Groove f6A+ 178 ? Brimham Rocks
Murky Rib f6A+ * 274 ? Brimham Rocks
Capsize f6A 3 ? Brimham Rocks
Perky f6B+ 32 ? Brimham Rocks
Minidigit f6A *** 102 ? Brimham Rocks
Piglet Wall f4 45 ? Brimham Rocks
Ripple Wall Traverse f5 91 ? Brimham Rocks
Niche Arete f6C ** 97 ? Brimham Rocks
Striding Edge f6A+ ** 7 ? Brimham Rocks
Flatline f6B 19 ? Brimham Rocks
Love Scoop f6A+ 21 ? Brimham Rocks
Heart Shaped Slab Arete f6C+ *** 35 ? Brimham Rocks
Fisherman's Friend f5+ 69 ? Brimham Rocks
Flipper f6B+ ** 108 ? Brimham Rocks
Sharkbait f6A 94 ? Brimham Rocks
19 stars 3,255 ? 24
Users who have completed the full list are:
H Dom
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