Contributed by LeggyBlonde Jun/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,671 times

Every 2-3 star route in the peak up to 7a+ as seen in the 2020 peak limestone book

Rubicon - 7a  © Brian H
Rubicon - 7a
© Brian H, Aug 2015

57 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 1 has completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st LeggyBlonde 100% 29 Aug, 2022
2nd Hidden 86% 10 Aug
3rd Neil McA 81% 29 Jun
4th Graeme Hammond 75% 23 Jul
5th morganator 66% 26 Aug
6th Liamg20025 56% 6 Aug
7th Hidden 41% 19 Jun
7th Gabe Oliver 41% 3 Sep
8th smudge 39% 24 Aug
9th Mick r 36% 5 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

James pulling through the final moves of rubicon.

James pulling through the final moves of rubicon.
© rockjedi

Adrian Berry on the final moves of Rubicon (F7a) at the eponymous crag

Adrian Berry on the final moves of Rubicon (F7a) at the eponymous crag

Tim on Cairn

Tim on Cairn
© StuM

Sean eyeing up the next move of this airy Stoney classic

Another Camden Day
Sean eyeing up the next move of this airy Stoney classic
© KGshoots

Will on Open Gate

Open Gate
Will on Open Gate
© Will Rupp

First day clipping in the sun

Rotund Rooley
First day clipping in the sun
© ben_lea

Fresh Rock Fall on Supernatural at Harpur Hill.

Fresh Rock Fall on Supernatural at Harpur Hill.
© Markheighton

Cairn whipper

Cairn whipper
© Morgan Woods

Cal on Shot your Bolt? Woz 'belaying'  There's belaying and theres f**king belaying

Shot Yer Bolt
Cal on Shot your Bolt? Woz 'belaying' There's belaying and theres f**king belaying
© andrew300169


© loundsy

Megalithic Tommy

Megalithic Man
Megalithic Tommy
© Andy Birtwistle

Unknown climber on Rotund Rooley (6b+) in Horseshoe Quarry.

Rotund Rooley
Unknown climber on Rotund Rooley (6b+) in Horseshoe Quarry.
© stp

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Santiano 7a+ ** 52 15m Chee Dale Upper
Blessed are the Weak 7a+ ** 91 34m Willersley Castle...
No Hiding Plaice 7a+ ** 267 12m Chee Dale Upper
Whose Line is it Anyway? 7a+ *** 612 18m Chee Dale Lower
Turbo-charged Monster Mouse 7a+ ** 68 ? Chee Dale Lower
Hungry Eyes 7a+ ** 402 15m Chee Dale Upper
The Corniceman 7a+ ** 323 20m Chee Dale Lower
The Main Motor Mile 7a+ ** 117 ? Cow Dale...
Kiss Me Hardy 7a+ *** 192 18m Chee Dale Upper
Incapacity Benefit 7a+ ** 338 ? Water-cum-Jolly
Reliquary 7a+ ** 376 17m Deep Rake
Max to the Wall 7a+ ** 366 15m Chee Dale Upper
Open Gate 7a+ *** 413 20m Chee Dale Upper
Nice One Masson 7a+ ** 373 ? Masson Lees Quarry
That'll Teach 'em 7a+ ** 4 18m Intake Quarry
Tatanka Yotanka 7a+ ** 28 ? Long Tor Quarry
Fatal Attraction 7a+ ** 101 18m Water-cum-Jolly
Lost Contact 7a+ ** 247 20m Smalldale Quarry
Woof justice 7a+ ** 81 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Armistice Day 7a+ ** 560 20m Chee Dale Lower
Fuji 7a+ ** 176 ? Hidden Quarry...
Much Monkey Magic 7a+ ** 73 ? Cow Dale...
Stealth 7a+ ** 26 16m Harpur Hill Quarry
Fatal Attraction 7a ** 129 18m Chee Dale Upper
Clarion Call 7a *** 897 20m Chee Dale Lower
High Society 7a ** 117 18m Chee Dale Upper
Darl - Pitch 1 7a *** 516 20m Chee Dale Upper
Demolition Man 7a ** 302 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Cairn 7a *** 590 16m Harpur Hill Quarry
Case Adjourned 7a ** 435 20m Chee Dale Upper
Max Pax 'em In 7a ** 587 15m Chee Dale Upper
Supercrack (Sport) 7a *** 380 28m Lorry Park Quarry
Can Boys 7a ** 254 20m Smalldale Quarry
Rubicon 7a *** 1274 12m Water-cum-Jolly
Fuck Your Gods 7a ** 390 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Exo6 7a+ ** 745 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Strait Jacket 7a ** 92 20m Wildcat
La Route 7a ** 108 16m Water-cum-Jolly
Martial Music 7a ** 777 20m Chee Dale Lower
White Gold 7a+ *** 191 16m Chee Dale Lower
Long Black Veil 7a ** 447 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Hilti Sound System 7a ** 618 ? Masson Lees Quarry
The Prophecy 7a ** 67 28m Harpur Hill Quarry
Quality Control 7a ** 920 18m Chee Dale Upper
The Colostomy Finish 7a ** 178 ? Horseshoe Quarry
Max Head Room 7a ** 549 15m Chee Dale Upper
Up the River Without a Paddle 7a ** 467 15m Chee Dale Lower
Tucker's Grave 7a ** 134 24m Intake Quarry
The Max Works 7a ** 442 15m Chee Dale Upper
Our Kid's Orchid 7a ** 7 34m • 2 Intake Quarry
Nostalgia 6c+ ** 32 30m Harpur Hill Quarry
Handy Borehole 6c+ ** 350 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Une Crime Passionel 7a ** 221 22m Chee Dale Lower
Superleggers 6c+ ** 359 21m Hidden Quarry...
Thunder Road 6c+ ** 199 20m Lorry Park Quarry
On the Road (Sport) 6c+ *** 258 30m Lorry Park Quarry
Another Camden Day 6c+ ** 153 ? Stoney West
Dead Ringer 6c+ ** 18 20m Intake Quarry
The Crystal Maze 6c+ ** 60 14m Smalldale Quarry
Avarice Allsorts 6c+ ** 107 24m Harpur Hill Quarry
Orcadian Donkey's Spotted Tail 6c+ ** 92 ? Long Tor Quarry
Megalithic Man Direct 6c+ ** 181 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Cattle Mutilation Expedition 6c+ ** 400 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Run For Your Wife 6c+ ** 205 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Litany Against Fear 6c+ ** 397 20m Horseshoe Quarry
An Ancient Rhythm 6c+ ** 215 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Rabbit Proof Fence 6c ** 123 24m Intake Quarry
Legal Action 6c ** 620 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Say it With Flowers 6c ** 447 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Max 'is Wall 6c ** 610 18m Chee Dale Upper
Riding the Bullet 6c ** 335 18m Smalldale Quarry
Four Telling Tales 6c ** 81 20m Harpur Hill Quarry
Pocket Rocket 6c ** 1240 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Going Straight 6c ** 304 18m Smalldale Quarry
Over the Hill 6c ** 107 22m Harpur Hill Quarry
Old King Colehill 6c ** 380 ? The National Stone...
Rain Dance 6c ** 620 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Private Prosecution 6c *** 816 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Shot Yer Bolt 6b+ ** 679 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Megalithic Man 6b+ *** 1256 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Edge of Darkness 6b+ ** 422 20m Lorry Park Quarry
Eye, Eye 6b+ ** 1815 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Rake It In 6b+ ** 802 14m Deep Rake
The Arapahoe Connection 6b+ ** 219 15m Blackwell Halt
The Lime Arch 6b+ *** 414 14m Dovedale
Four Thousand 6b+ ** 420 ? Stoney Middleton
Mr Love Pants 6b+ ** 271 16m Smalldale Quarry
The Omen 6b ** 176 ? Harpur Hill Quarry
Rocky Variations 6b ** 474 24m Harpur Hill Quarry
Wall of Jericho 6b ** 964 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Shanacie 6b ** 430 18m Smalldale Quarry
Rotund Rooley 6b ** 1577 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Apollo Creed 6b *** 529 24m Harpur Hill Quarry
Plum Tuckered Out 6b ** 254 24m Intake Quarry
Prefect Day 6b ** 141 ? Harpur Hill Quarry
Windows 95 6b ** 479 15m Blackwell Halt
Open Season 6a+ ** 463 16m Smalldale Quarry
School's Out 6a+ ** 2531 20m Horseshoe Quarry
Wile E Coyote (Trad) E2 5c 13 ? Harpur Hill Quarry
Supernatural 6a ** 313 ? Harpur Hill Quarry
El Sergio 6a ** 387 34m Intake Quarry
Coral Seas 6a *** 1413 18m Harpur Hill Quarry
Who Sat On My Satsuma? 6a ** 2466 ? Masson Lees Quarry
Senile Delinquents 5c ** 526 24m Harpur Hill Quarry
Running for Cover 5c ** 530 ? Harpur Hill Quarry
Pistol Whipped (Tendonitis Sucks) 7a ** 11 ? Dovedale
2 e, 225 stars 45,804 1,541m 107
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