Contributed by Jim blackford Nov/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 704 times

Ticklist in progress. All the best gritstone mantels, rockovers, weird topouts. Routes are that are much more than just a mantel are included so long as the mantel is difficult or memorable. 5+ -8A.

Half way through 'one' of the moves on 'Stretch and Mantel' V5 6b  © PeteWilson
Half way through 'one' of the moves on 'Stretch and Mantel' V5 6b
© PeteWilson, May 2012

14 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Jim blackford 32% 26 Jan
2nd Gordon W 30% 29 Jun
3rd ChrisBrooke 23% 6 Sep
4th Kitty27 22% 4 Feb
5th Hidden 20% 7 May, 2023
6th lsdrussell 17% 1 Sep
7th Jon Tweedlie 16% 27 Apr
8th Matventures 12% 3 Jun, 2023
8th RagingAbeSimpson 12% 30 Apr
9th Hidden 9% 9 Aug

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Trackside after midnight.

Trackside after midnight.
© Tom Napier

Thrust, the 4th Cloud.

Thrust, the 4th Cloud.
© Paul B

Charlie's overhang. Newstones.

Charlie's Overhang
Charlie's overhang. Newstones.
© Mike W

Dangling on The Eaglestone

A Fist Full of Beagles
Dangling on The Eaglestone
© robin mueller

Martin on the powerful mantle of Sick (B5), Higgar Tor East

Martin on the powerful mantle of Sick (B5), Higgar Tor East

One from the archive - a Newstones classic

Charlie's Overhang
One from the archive - a Newstones classic
© Dave Garnett

1 Mat, 2 with a newly broken wrist.It was never gonna happen, I didn't have the kahunas

Charlie's Overhang
1 Mat, 2 with a newly broken wrist.It was never gonna happen, I didn't have the kahunas
© benvowles

Hamper's Direct, a damp December afternoon at Stanage

Hamper's Direct
Hamper's Direct, a damp December afternoon at Stanage
© ChrisJD

Shadows on Remergence

Remergence Start
Shadows on Remergence
© Kipper-Phil Smith

Crazy Legs Jim at Trackside, Curbar

Crazy Legs Jim at Trackside, Curbar
© ChrisJD

The Mantalist

The Mantelist
The Mantalist
© KGshoots

Campus Moves.

A Fist Full of Beagles
Campus Moves.
© robin mueller

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Incursion Direct f6A ** 104 12m Stanage North
The Lone Ranger f6A+ * 527 ? Stanage Plantation
The Falls f6C ** 165 ? Stanage Plantation
Surprise Direct f6B+ ** 19 ? Stanage Plantation
The Dope Mantel f6B+ * 114 ? Stanage Plantation
Buckaroo f6C * 62 ? Stanage North
Dowager's Hump f6C * 47 ? Stanage North
Peas Start f6C ** 19 ? Stanage Popular
Hamper's Direct f7A ** 198 ? Stanage Popular
Bentley's Gonna Sort You Out f7B+ * 27 ? Stanage Plantation
The Beast f7B+ ** 14 ? Stanage North
Victorian Overmantel f7C+ ** 7 ? Stanage Plantation
Cobra Mantel f5+ * 720 ? Burbage South...
Gruesome Mantel f6A * 90 ? Burbage North
Green Scoop Mantel f6A 30 ? Burbage South...
Sick f6B ** 441 ? Higgar Tor
Rock and Mantel f6A+ ** 286 ? Burbage South...
Remergence Start f6B *** 759 ? Burbage North
Rock Bottom f6B * 157 ? Burbage South Edge
Roof Goofe f6B * 287 ? Burbage North
The Grazer f6C+ ** 56 ? Burbage South Edge
Your Basic Mantel f6C * 106 ? Burbage South Edge
Jason's Mantel f7A ** 30 ? Burbage South Edge
Piss f7B ** 382 ? Higgar Tor
Ahab f6A+ * 149 ? Mother Cap and...
The Broken Chair f6B * 56 ? Froggatt Edge
Sex Dwarves f6B+ ** 89 10m Millstone Edge
The Blue Whale f6C * 42 ? Mother Cap and...
Renegade Bulge f6C 49 ? Froggatt Edge
Bad Lip f7A * 1091 ? Curbar Edge
Trackside f7A *** 2358 ? Curbar Edge
Top Shelf Mantel f7A * 25 ? Mother Cap and...
Pet Cemetery f7A+ *** 65 ? Mother Cap and...
Mother's Pride f7B+ *** 5 ? Mother Cap and...
First Roof Middle f6C * 410 ? Gardom's Edge
A Fist Full of Beagles f7A+ * 135 ? Baslow Edge
Mark's Roof f7B *** 484 ? Gardom's Edge
Egg Arête f6B *** 944 ? Cratcliffe Tor
Through Mantel f6B 119 ? Cratcliffe Tor
Blob Over f6B 8 ? Cratcliffe Tor
Jams O'Mantel f6B * 215 ? Robin Hood's...
Thrutch Over f6C * 6 ? Cratcliffe Tor
Bossa Nova f6C ** 48 ? Robin Hood's...
The Gritstone Gent/Zaff's Mantel f7A ** 48 ? Robin Hood's...
The Letter T f6A 6 ? Ramshaw Rocks
Press Direct f6B * 89 ? Ramshaw Rocks
Ossie's Bulge f6A+ *** 328 ? Ramshaw Rocks
The Lurch f6B 19 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Charlie's Overhang f6B *** 144 ? Newstones and...
Pixie f6A * 226 ? Roaches Upper Tier
Skinned Rabbit f6B ** 17 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Dougless f6C * 6 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Grewsome f6B * 111 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Gritstone Pimple f6B * 11 ? Roaches Skyline
The Greener Traverse f6B *** 967 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Heinous Mantel f6C * 99 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Stretch and Mantel f6C *** 569 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Thrust f7A * 187 ? The Five Clouds
The Grind f6C+ ** 9 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Ant Lives f7A+ * 42 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Ned Zeppelin f8A *** 1 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Arête and Mantel f6C * 23 ? Stanton in the Woods
Chip Shop Mantel f6B+ *** 172 ? Rowtor Rocks
Barbapapa f6C 3 ? Rowtor Rocks
To Have It All f6C+ * 2 ? Stanton Moor
The Line f6B * 327 ? Rowtor Rocks
The Mantelist f7A ** 19 ? Rowtor Rocks
Raw Power f7B ** 23 ? Rowtor Rocks
Mantel Illness f7B+ * 4 ? Rowtor Rocks
Bus Stop Mantel f7B *** 151 ? Rowtor Rocks
Slap Happy f6C+ ** 59 ? Wimberry Rocks
Alcove Wall f7C * 3 ? New Mills Torrs
Short 'n' Curly f6B+ ** 1 ? Kinder Southern...
Piggle f6C 1 ? Kinder Southern...
Iggle f6B * 1 ? Kinder Southern...
Tombliboo Trouble f6A * 1 ? Kinder Southern...
Bop f6C+ ** 1 ? Kinder Southern...
Wall Past Flake f6A+ * 13 ? The Hurkling Stones...
Hard Mantel f6C 13 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Corn Mantel f5 229 ? Brownstones
Unjust f6A+ * 117 ? Brownstones
traditional mantel f6C 12 ? Brownstones
The Boss f6C * 103 ? Roaches Upper Tier
Little Mantel f6B * 82 ? Gib Torr
Long Boulder Mantel f6B+ ** 92 ? Roaches Upper Tier
123 stars 15,276 22m 85
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