Contributed by Danforrest134 Feb/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 603 times

Steady  © axeman
© axeman, Nov 2010

8 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st AdamBrown 32% 21 Apr
2nd mop449 24% 27 Aug
3rd Danforrest134 7% 3 Mar
4th griff90 2% 13 Jan
5th Ben2004 1% 27 May
6th SLectricPhD 0% 9 Apr, 2023
6th Hidden 0% 17 Dec, 2023
6th Jake Dunkley 0% 12 Oct, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage
© Adam Long


© Nick Brown

Dangling on The Eaglestone

A Fist Full of Beagles
Dangling on The Eaglestone
© robin mueller

Happy and highball, but maybe a little cold, on a vastly underrated John Allen classic

Small is Beautiful
Happy and highball, but maybe a little cold, on a vastly underrated John Allen classic
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Chip Shop Brawl

Chip Shop Brawl
© Nick Brown

Nick on Satin

Nick on Satin
© 1234None


To Be or Not to Be
© NJSharp

Witness the gritness

Witness The Gritness
Witness the gritness
© eazyclimbing

Hamper's Direct, a damp December afternoon at Stanage

Hamper's Direct
Hamper's Direct, a damp December afternoon at Stanage
© ChrisJD

Is it to be, or not.

To Be or Not to Be
Is it to be, or not.
© NJSharp

Purple Haze

Purple Haze
© Paul B


© KGshoots

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Joe's Slab Traverse f7A ** 24 ? Froggatt Edge
Jetpack f7A ** 185 ? Froggatt Edge
Hot Toddy f7A+ *** 274 ? Froggatt Edge
Witness The Gritness f7A ** 232 ? Higgar Tor
Pippin Dyno f7A ** 40 ? Higgar Tor
Quintessential Higgarisms f6B+ * 286 ? Higgar Tor
Iranu f6B+ * 54 ? Stanage North
Youngster's Wall f7A ** 24 ? Stanage North
Jamie's Other Roof f7A * 17 ? Stanage North
Little Richard f7A+ * 203 ? Baslow Edge
Elmer Fudd f7A+ * 55 ? Baslow Edge
The Beagle Has Landed f7A *** 122 ? Baslow Edge
Bone At It Direct f7A * 38 ? Baslow Edge
Railtrack f7A * 2 ? Baslow Edge
The Good the Bad and the Beagle f7A * 81 ? Baslow Edge
Bin Laden's Cave f7A *** 421 ? Gardom's Edge
Top Shelf Mantel f7A * 25 ? Mother Cap and...
The Harder Side f7A ** 401 ? Secret Garden
Keyhole Traverse 2 f7A ** 14 ? Millstone Edge
Beach Bum f7A * 199 ? Secret Garden
Bristol Stool f7A * 3 ? Stanage Plantation
Satin f7A *** 459 ? Stanage Plantation
The Prince f7A ** 39 ? Stanage Plantation
Glass Hour f7A ** 662 ? Stanage Plantation
Honorary Caley f7A ** 223 ? Stanage Plantation
Rascal Groove f7A ** 55 ? Burbage South Edge
The Attitude Inspector f7A *** 514 ? Burbage South Edge
Pebble Mill Stem f7A *** 8 ? Burbage South Edge
Gib's Rib f7A *** 71 ? Burbage South Edge
Triangle Wall f7A+ *** 130 ? Burbage South Edge
Dirty Rascal f7A * 3 9m Burbage South Edge
Trellis f7A ** 71 ? Burbage South...
Messiah Traverse f7A ** 42 ? Burbage South Edge
Jason's Mantel f7A ** 30 ? Burbage South Edge
Little Gem f7B ** 106 ? Burbage South...
More Cheese Gromit f6C ** 278 ? Burbage South Edge
Above and Beyond the Kinaesthetic Barrier f7A *** 41 6m Burbage South Edge
The Nose f7A *** 682 ? Burbage West
Breakfast f7A *** 880 ? Burbage West
Hanging Wall f7A ** 360 ? Burbage North
Banana Reverse f7A ** 257 ? Burbage North
Right Arête f7A ** 49 ? Burbage North
Small is Beautiful f7A *** 310 8m Burbage North
Sitting in Oxford f7A+ * 35 ? Burbage North
Bad Lip f7A * 1091 ? Curbar Edge
Sloper Traverse f7A ** 127 ? Stanage Popular
Al's Attic f7A * 134 ? Stanage Popular
Hamper's Direct f7A ** 198 ? Stanage Popular
Dog Sit f7A * 124 ? Burbage South...
Dog Pound f7A ** 144 ? Burbage South...
The Sheep f7A *** 518 ? Burbage South...
Sickle Crack f7A ** 52 ? Burbage South...
Crash 'n' Gurn f7A * 472 ? Burbage South...
Non Rib f7A+ * 3 ? Rivelin Quarries
Moontan Start f7A+ ** 57 ? Rivelin Edge
Purple Haze f7A+ *** 149 ? Rivelin Edge
Beak no Weevil f7A+ * 8 ? Rivelin Quarries
Downhill Racer Direct f7A+ * 72 ? Froggatt Edge
Hemline f7A+ ** 194 ? Higgar Tor
The Flying Arête f7A+ *** 88 ? Higgar Tor
Krush Regime f7A+ ** 11 ? Higgar Tor
Chip Shop Brawl f7A+ *** 58 12m Stanage North
Dreaming the Beagle f7A+ * 12 ? Baslow Edge
Poppers Start f7A+ * 10 ? Baslow Edge
The Ripper f7A+ * 110 ? Baslow Edge
Heroes f7A+ * 225 ? Baslow Edge
Fact Hunt f7A+ * 62 ? Baslow Edge
A Fist Full of Beagles f7A+ * 135 ? Baslow Edge
Where Beagles Dare f7A+ *** 103 ? Baslow Edge
Drum Roll f7A+ * 6 ? Gardom's Edge
Bin Lillermule f7A+ * 85 ? Gardom's Edge
Forward Thinking Sound Engineer f7A+ * - ? Gardom's Edge
Dylan's Variant f7B+ * 21 ? Gardom's Edge
Pet Cemetery f7A+ *** 65 ? Mother Cap and...
Nigel's Problem f7A * 143 ? Secret Garden
Mother's Pet Traverse f7A+ ** 11 ? Mother Cap and...
Pistol Pinch f7A+ ** 72 ? Secret Garden
Rose and the Self-employed Business Man f7B ** 74 ? Stanage Plantation
The Hippo f7A+ ** 167 ? Stanage Plantation
Dope on a Slope f7A+ *** 258 ? Stanage Plantation
To Be or Not to Be f7A+ ** 178 ? Stanage Plantation
Night Salt f7A+ ** 47 ? Stanage Plantation
Pressure Drop f7A+ *** 40 ? Stanage Plantation
The Green Slap f6C * 134 ? Stanage Plantation
Southwest Face f7A+ ** 44 ? Stanage Plantation
Help the Young f7A+ *** 314 ? Stanage Plantation
Silk Start f7A+ ** 215 ? Stanage Plantation
Help the Aged f7A+ ** 145 6m Stanage Plantation
Trapped in Crows' Craws f7B ** 9 ? Burbage South Edge
Pebble Mill Traverse f7A+ ** 99 ? Burbage South Edge
Above and Beyond... Direct f7A+ *** 5 ? Burbage South Edge
The Nostril f7A+ ** 67 ? Burbage West
Boyager f7A+ *** 389 ? Burbage North
Velvet Crab f7A+ *** 186 ? Burbage North
Striker Left-hand f7A+ ** 79 ? Burbage North
Remergence Lip Traverse f7A+ * 12 ? Burbage North
All Quiet Direct f7A+ ** 96 ? Burbage North
Ping Pong Pocket Rib f7A+ *** 27 ? Bamford Edge
Downhill Gardner f7A+ * 77 ? Curbar Edge
Cloud Cuckoo Land f7A+ ** 182 ? Curbar Edge
Bruno Mindhorn f7A+ * 2 ? Curbar Edge
Clouded Judgement f7A+ ** 46 ? Curbar Edge
Missile Toe f7A+ * 22 ? Stanage Popular
Scratch Scoop f7A+ ** 60 ? Burbage South...
Beach Ball f7A ** 496 ? Secret Garden
199 stars 16,035 41m 105
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