Contributed by MyYeeziesHaveTheSneezies Mar/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 234 times

Beatlejuice  © sgl0jd
© sgl0jd, Apr 2011

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1st MyYeeziesHaveTheSneezies 12% 9 Apr, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


Beatle Juice
© sgl0jd

Joe Marsh on Magic Bus

Magic Bus
Joe Marsh on Magic Bus
© NJSharp

Max on the bus

Magic Bus
Max on the bus
© sim.monkey

Beatle Juice

Beatle Juice
© Jayboy

Joe Marsh cruising Magic Bus

Magic Bus
Joe Marsh cruising Magic Bus
© NJSharp


Beatle Juice
© sgl0jd

Topping Barre Fixe Assis Font 7b+

La Barre Fixe (assis)
Topping Barre Fixe Assis Font 7b+
© Tom Wright

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Immodium assis f7B ** 7 ? Cuvier Rempart
Magic Bus f7B+ ** 212 ? Buthiers Piscine
Envie d'Ange f7A * 23 ? L'Elephant
La Barre Fixe (assis) f7B+ *** 102 ? L'Elephant
L'Angle Parfait f7B *** 27 ? Dame Jouanne
Goriak f7B ** 73 ? Cuvier Est (Bivouac)
Noir Desir Gauche f7B ** 46 ? Cuvier Rempart
Beatle Juice f7A+ *** 274 ? Franchard Cuisiniere
18 stars 764 ? 8
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