Contributed by Tierney Nov/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 243 times

An open list of crack routes and boulders in Ireland.

Steven Carmichael cruising Fáth Mo Bhuartha  © Plinton
Steven Carmichael cruising Fáth Mo Bhuartha
© Plinton, Apr 2015

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Conailboyd 52% 11 Jul
2nd Tierney 32% 31 Aug
3rd phdoesburg 28% 14 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Chris cruising for a bruising on GBH

Chris cruising for a bruising on GBH
© Callum Smith

Fairhead veteran guiding lost English boy

Midnight Cruiser
Fairhead veteran guiding lost English boy
© Andrew from Tipperary

After falling off the crux (top right corner of the photo)

After falling off the crux (top right corner of the photo)
© Mike Goldthorp

Midnight Cruiser

Midnight Cruiser
© kevin stephens

Glory jugs are even better after a good offwidth battle

Glory jugs are even better after a good offwidth battle
© Seán Fortune

Crack Addict

Hooked on Crack
Crack Addict
© mcgovern

James in a great position on Midnight Cruiser

Midnight Cruiser
James in a great position on Midnight Cruiser
© PeteH

Best E1 on the Prow perhaps?

Best E1 on the Prow perhaps?
© steve.aisthorpe

GBH Fairhead

GBH Fairhead
© Mike Goldthorp

Phil Linton fighting the pump high up on Fairhead, Northern Ireland

Midnight Cruiser
Phil Linton fighting the pump high up on Fairhead, Northern Ireland
© scarmichael

Jon Smith leading on Little Oak Crack ** 15m E1 (5b) , Lough Dan

Little Oak Crack
Jon Smith leading on Little Oak Crack ** 15m E1 (5b) , Lough Dan
© jonukc

The Prow at Fairhead with climbers on Midnight Cruiser

Midnight Cruiser
The Prow at Fairhead with climbers on Midnight Cruiser
© Bob M

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Shield E2 6a *** 282 15m Dalkey quarry
Blazing Saddles E2 5c *** 154 ? Dalkey quarry
Tower Ridge Direct E2 5c ** 228 18m Dalkey quarry
Ifreann Direct HVS 5b *** 47 18m Glendalough...
Exertion HVS 5a ** 231 ? Dalkey quarry
Scavenger VS 4c ** 216 ? Dalkey quarry
Blood Crack HVS 5b * 243 ? Dalkey quarry
Smouldering Stirrups E2 6a ** 77 ? Dalkey quarry
Howard's Roof f6B 30 ? Glendalough Boulders
Cracks On The Garden Of Eden VS 4c *** 90 38m • 3 Glendalough...
Fáth Mo Bhuartha E1 5b *** 484 ? Fair Head
Fireball E1 5b *** 403 ? Fair Head
Midnight Cruiser E1 5b *** 655 ? Fair Head
Thunderhips E1 5b ** 95 ? Fair Head
Railroad E1 5b *** 524 ? Fair Head
GBH E3 6a *** 282 ? Fair Head
The Chimney Crack f6C 1 ? Chimney Rock...
Little Oak Crack E1 5b ** 9 15m Lough Dan
Jams’ crack f6B * 1 ? The Scalp
Pis Fliuch HVS 5a *** 195 30m Ailladie (Burren,...
Hooked on Crack E1 5b 20 24m Ailladie (Burren,...
Midnight Summer Dream E3 5c ** 63 ? Ailladie (Burren,...
Thin Crack VS 4b *** 122 25m Annalong Buttress
Grace O'Malley E1 5b ** 7 15m Murroughkilly
HARD TACK E1 5c * - ? Murroughkilly
23 e, 52 stars 4,459 198m 27
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